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USA A Great Federation Federation or Federal Government

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1 USA A Great Federation Federation or Federal Government
The U.S. is a great example because we Have a Central Authority : The National Leader (President) A national law making body (US Congress) A National Judicial System (US Supreme Court System) We also have Regional Authorities : State or regional leaders (Governors) State or regional law makers (State Congress) State Judicial Systems(State Supreme Courts) USA A Great Federation That’s right Mr. President ! And don’t you guys forget it! We work together and share the power. That’s what makes us a Federation! Just because we work in Washington D.C. and just because we are national leaders doesn't give us the right to boss our states around! They have rights too you know! National Government State Governments a.k.a. Regional Governments Sharing the Power makes us a Federation.

2 The United Kingdom is considered a parliamentary democracy and it is also a good example of a UNITARY GOVERNMENT Power is not distributed equally in a Unitary Government. This does NOT mean that all Unitary Governments are dictatorships in fact most are not; but this is a common student misunderstanding. The central government / authority may give local authorities certain powers but can just as easily abolish those powers. Most countries in the world have a unitary government. There is a big difference between unitary governments where the leaders and lawmakers are elected in a free election compared to unitary governments where the leaders take power by military force.

3 Cuba is a good example of a UNITARY GOVERNMENT Power is not distributed equally in a Unitary Government. Military Force is sometimes (but not always) used to gain and maintain power by the leader of a unitary government. We represent 14 provinces and 1 special municipality in Cuba, but do we share the power? NO!!! Hey, you out there in Cuban provinces! YES you may have your own provincial or regional leaders , and sometimes you are allowed to vote; but understand that in the end, I am the ONE in charge---just ME, ONE central authority with all the power. Power is here!

Think of it like this: A group of states/countries/provinces/regions etc. may need to stick together for some things; but for most things, they each maintain a strong government and keep most of their powers. Answer: By creating a central authority to regulate just certain things like : Free Trade A Cleaner Environment A Common Currency (EURO) Movement of goods services, people, & capital Relaxed border control, Cooperation between law enforcement agencies, freedom, security and justice. Countries maintain their own government and power for most things. They do however agree to give up some of their power to a weaker central authority. They give this weaker central authority the limited powers needed to work on common goals. The European Union is a type of CONFEDERATION. . Question: How can so many successful, powerful, European countries, maintain their strong independent governments and also work together to solve problems in a united way?

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