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United States History The United States in World War II: “The War in Europe and North Africa” Unit 4, Chapter 14, Section 1.

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1 United States History The United States in World War II: “The War in Europe and North Africa”
Unit 4, Chapter 14, Section 1

2 Question Column 1. How and why did the Allies fight the Battle of the Atlantic? 2. What were the key events of the war in the Soviet Union? 3. What did American forces accomplish in North Africa and Italy? 4. What were the events and significance of the Allies’ D-Day invasion of France?

3 Main Idea After entering World War II, the United States focused first on the war in Europe. IT was a firm commitment to their personal freedoms that drove American colonists to break from Great Britain in the Revolutionary War QC: What is the Bill of Rights and what does it protect?






9 The Battle of the Atlantic
U-boats: German U-boats controlled the Atlantic from ; travelled in wolf packs. Allies fight back: once U.S. cracks “Enigma” code in and enters war, U.S. gains back control with aircraft; 70% of U-boats eliminated by war’s end. How and why did the Allies fight the Battle of the Atlantic How: cracking Enigma, using aircraft, building ships Why: to ship supplies and personnel to Europe

10 The War in the Soviet Union
German aggression: Russia could not stop advance, but Russian winter did Leningrad: besieged by Germans; over 200,000 Russians dead Battle of Stalingrad: August 1942-bloodiest fighting in the history or warfare. Soviet counterattack killed 250,000 axis soldiers, Axis surrender in early 1943 Effects: German- 2 mil. dead, Soviet-12 mil. dead, civ.-800,000 2. What were the key events of the war in the Soviet Union? German aggression was matched by Soviet perseverance only accomplished high death tolls

11 American Forces in North Africa and Italy
U.S./British forces protecting oil in Mediterranean from Middle East Operation Torch: Nov invasion of N. Africa, heading east to engage/defeat Rommel Goals: to gain combat experience, defeat Rommel, plan next phases of war Italy: July 1942, Sicily- Tuskegee Airmen fought here, took nearly a year to defeat Germans in Italy 3. What did American forces accomplish in North Africa and Italy? Control of the Mediterranean and protection of British oil shipping, occuppying the German army



14 D-Day: The Invasion of France
Operation Overlord: the planned invasion of France; Eisenhower commanded, Gen. Bradley (American), Montgomery (British) Normandy landing: D-Day-June 6, 1944, 10,000 casualties (6,600 American) was a success Battle of the Bulge: Dec last German offensive at he Belgian city of Bastogne; Germans pushed back by Jan.1945. 4. What were the events and significance of the Allies’ D-Day invasion of France? It was a successful surprise attack

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