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Who did we buy the L.P. from?

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Presentation on theme: "Who did we buy the L.P. from?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who did we buy the L.P. from?
LABEL THE MAP Warm- Up Who did we buy the L.P. from? 6 5 How much did the Louisiana purchase cost? 2 3 4 1 Put in your BINDER Number your page 1-7 7 What river did Lewis and Clark use as a guide?

2 The Industrial Revolution
A gradual process by which machines replaced hand tools, and steam and other new sources of power replaced human and animal power.


4 Horse Power


6 Steam Engine


8 Spinning Wheel


10 Spinning Jenny


12 Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin





17 Handmade guns


19 Interchangeable Parts

20 New Inventions = New Way of Life
Factory System: brought workers and machinery together Cottage Economy: Individual Workers out of their home. Capital: Money (used to start a business) Capitalist: a person who invest in business in order to make a profit.

21 Britain and Textiles Mid- 1700s Steam powered Water powered Secretive

22 The Industrial Revolution actually began in Britain in the mid-1700s
The Industrial Revolution actually began in Britain in the mid-1700s. People were inventing things that helped to change the textile industry; which is the making of cloth or clothing. One important invention was the spinning jenny. While the spinning wheel could only spin one thread at a time to create cloth, a spinning jenny could spin many at one time. Spinning wheel Spinning jenny

23 Samuel Slater Hero or Traitor?
1789- escape 1793-creation of 1st successful textile mill Old Slater Mill

24 Umbrella Question- Industrial Revolution
How did the Industrial Revolution change the United States? Give examples of new technology, new ideas, and how urbanization changed the United States. Copy the Umbrella Questions into your BINDER

25 Barrel, stock, trigger- all custom made What if a part breaks?
Eli Whitney Barrel, stock, trigger- all custom made What if a part breaks? Interchangeable Parts

26 Effects of the War of 1812 Britain major provider of goods
British Blockade Boost to American industry

27 Lowell, Massachusetts Spinning thread Weaving cloth

28 Lowell Girls Farming Before marriage Sent wages home Economic freedom

29 How do you think this experience changed American society
How do you think this experience changed American society? How do you think it changed the role of women?

30 The Boston Manufacturing Company carefully recruited young female workers. This could be difficult since the women would be leaving their hometowns and families, and factory laborers traditionally had low social status. The company wanted to overcome this prejudice about factory culture. Therefore, they offered relatively high wages and promised that boarding houses would have strict rules (e.g., curfews and restrictions on male visitors). The factory owners also promised "cultural activities", including concerts, lectures, and the creation of a group magazine. Many families sent their daughters to earn wages for their sons' education.

31 Daily Life Women/ children (as young as 6 or 7) ½ pay
5 a.m. and ended at 7 p.m 6 days per week averaged 73 hours of work per week

32 Daily Living Conditions
The women's dormitories tended to be cramped. Up to six people would share a room. One worker described her quarters as "a small, comfortless, half-ventilated apartment containing some half a dozen occupants". The cultural activities advertised by recruiters were few and far between; the women seldom experienced the world beyond their dorms and machine rooms.

33 Write 3 positives and 3 negatives of Urbanization

34 Urbanization Positives Negatives Theatres Museums European fashions
International goods Pre-made goods Movement from farms to cities. 1800: 6% lived in urban areas 1850: 15% lived in urban areas 1920: over 50% lived in urban areas

35 Urbanization Positives Negatives Theatres Museums European fashions
International goods Pre-made goods Dirt/gravel streets Muddy No sewers Trash in the street Dirty Epidemics Movement from farms to cities. 1800: 6% lived in urban areas 1850: 15% lived in urban areas 1920: over 50% lived in urban areas

36 America went from this to…


38 Which kind of society do you think is better? Farming or Industry

39 Read pp Compare life before industrialization to life after industrialization. List the changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution. How did life become better as a result of the Revolution? How did the quality of life decline as a result of the Revolution?

40 Farming Positives Negatives

41 Industrial Revolution
Positives Negatives

42 Industrial Revolution
Before industrialization After industrialization

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