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Ch.7 Sect. 1: Regional Economies Create Differences

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1 Ch.7 Sect. 1: Regional Economies Create Differences

2 What you will learn… Industrial Revolution Eli Whitney Mass production
Henry Clay National Road Erie Canal

3 Another Revolution Affects America
Factories new centers of industry Mass production— Industrial Revolution— 1st began in… How did they get power? Primary source of income in America… 2 events— War of 1812 breaks out…



6 New England Industrializes
New England people depended on… Samuel Slater 3 guys and a weaving factory Lowell, Massachusetts



9 Two Economic Systems Develop
Northeasterners invested in… Southerners made huge profits from… Why were farms in North small? Farming in Old Northwest Corn Crop Slavery in North dying out Eli Whitney and cotton gin What did cotton gin lead to? 1820s slave demand grows How many slaves?





14 Clay Proposes the American System
Unity was needed Madison and his plan 1.) transportation system 2.) protective tariff 3.) national bank American System North would produce… South and West…

15 Erie Canal, Tariffs, and the Bank
First locomotive built in 1825 Railroads… Roads and Canals Turnpikes National Road Erie Canal Why tariffs? Tariff of 1816 Who liked it? 2nd Bank of the U.S.






21 Ch.7 Sect.2: The Missouri Compromise

22 The Missouri Compromise
When population reached 60,000… 1819 Missouri wanted to become a state but… Slavery ? 1818 there were 10 free and 10 slave James Tallmadge amendment Henry Clay and Missouri Compromise

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