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How not to be a bully or get bullied K thru Third Grade

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1 How not to be a bully or get bullied K thru Third Grade
Just Say No to Bullying How not to be a bully or get bullied K thru Third Grade Developed and designed by Mary Jo Sampson, Director of Religious Education, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

2 What is a bully? A bully is someone who makes fun of you to make you feel embarrassed, ashamed or scared. A bully is someone who will threaten or hurt you in order to get something from you like lunch money. Bullies are individuals that do not have a lot of friends. Individuals hang out with a bully out of fear. Have you or someone you know been bullied? What did you do?

3 Things Bullies Do Call you names Push or shove you Trip you Hit you
Make you drop things Take things away from you Tell lies about you to get you into trouble Steal your things Can you think of other things bullies do?

4 What to do if you are bullied
Stick with friends! There is safety in numbers. It is easier to become a victim of a bully when you are by yourself. Avoid being alone especially in areas where bullies hang out, such as school hallways, bathrooms and locker rooms. Can you think of other places bullies hang out?

5 What to do if you are bullied
Be assertive and confident. Do you know what it means to be assertive and confident? Use body language to show you are not afraid. Stand up straight and make eye contact. Remember to think before you act or say something.

6 What to do if you are bullied
Ignore the bully Walk away. Do not respond to the bully. Get out of the situation.

7 What to do if you are bullied
Agree with the bully’s comments and walk away Say ‘Whatever” or “You’re right.” Then walk away. Bully present is your signal to walk.

8 No Paybacks Do not try to be a bully to solve problems with a bully.
Remember that using violence or bullying techniques such as pushing, name calling, or making fun of someone never solves the problem. Using these or other bullying techniques only makes things worse.

9 If someone else is being bullied, I will…
not just stand by and do nothing. When no one speaks up, bullies learn than can get away with it. Don’t play dead, bark

10 If someone else is being bullied, I will…
refuse to join in. Sometimes choosing to not be a part of the group is hard and lonely, Don’t become a junior bully by taking part in the bullying. Refuse to even watch. Choosing to do the right thing puts a smile on both God’s face and ours.

11 If someone else is being bullied, I will…
speak out. Distract the bully by changing the subject or using humor. Stand up for the person who is being bullied and tell the bully to stop. Get others to join with you in supporting the one being bullied.

12 If someone else is being bullied, I will…
give support to the one being bullied. Talk to the person who is being bullied. Be a friend and include them instead of leaving them out or all alone.

13 Who are you going to call?
Tell a responsible adult, such as parents and teachers. Don’t keep it a secret. Adults can set clear, nonviolent consequences for future bullying behavior.

14 Remember No one deserves to be bullied.
Always remember that you are a child of God and He keeps us all in the palm of His hand.

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