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Food Adulteration Adulteration" is a legal term meaning a food product that fails to meet federal or state standards. Generally, if a food contains a poisonous.

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Presentation on theme: "Food Adulteration Adulteration" is a legal term meaning a food product that fails to meet federal or state standards. Generally, if a food contains a poisonous."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Adulteration Adulteration" is a legal term meaning a food product that fails to meet federal or state standards. Generally, if a food contains a poisonous or toxic substance that may render it injurious to health. It can cause various harms. It is adulterated. Under the prevention of food and agriculture act., an adulteration is any material which will be employed for the purpose of adulteration. Any item of food is adulterated if;

2 Food Adulteration If an inferior or cheaper substance has been substituted wholly or in parts If item is prepared, packed or kept under insanitary conditions. If the item consist in part dirty, rotten, decomposed or diseased animal or vegetable or polluted with insects. If the item is obtained from diseased animal. If the item contains some poisonous ingredient. If the item has unprescribed coloring substance If the item contains any prohibited or excessive preservative If neither quality nor purity of the item falls in prescribed standard.

3 Prevention from Adulterated Food
Food is essential for life. It should be pure, nutritious, and free from any type of adulteration for proper maintenance of health. Effects of Adulteration on Humans: Symptoms like headache, gastro-intestinal disorders, muscular pain, drowsiness etc appear, if adulterated food substances are used regularly. 3

4 Test for Food Adulteration

5 Test for Food Adulteration

6 THE END Food Chemistry, 3rd Edition by Lillian Hoagland Meyer Litton Educational Publishing Inc. USA Principle of Food Chemistry, 3rd Edition by DeMan, John M. Aspen publishers,USA

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