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Website: Announcements Subscriptions Downloads.

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1 Website: Announcements Subscriptions Downloads

2 Wednesday March 14th A G E N D A
09: :30 Coffee 09: :35 Welcome by Koen Devos (Secretary – BNP Paribas Fortis) 09: :30 HDS VSP Mainframe Update by Stefaan Lemaire HDS 10: :00 Coffee break 11: :00 z196 and z114 HW Subsystems Update, Jean-Paul Goemare IBM 12: :30 Lunch 13: :30 Have you also been “asked” to cut costs? Here is how you do it… by Marcel den Hartog, CA Technologies 14: :00 Coffee break 15: :00 z/OS planned outage avoidance by Jan T. IBM 16: :05 Closing by Renaud Colin (Chairman – Euroclear S.A.)

3 Next Meeting Wednesday June 13th 2012

4 Some Attention Points General obectives Start to use socal media You can find us on Facebook, LinkedIN and Twitter Info brochure will be available on our website 

5 http://www-304. ibm. com/jct03001c/services/learning/ites. wss

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