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Turn LCD Projector on by pushing Projector on button Projector buttons will flash for a few seconds until fully on and on button will be lit.

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Presentation on theme: "Turn LCD Projector on by pushing Projector on button Projector buttons will flash for a few seconds until fully on and on button will be lit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Turn LCD Projector on by pushing Projector on button Projector buttons will flash for a few seconds until fully on and on button will be lit.

2 Please turn LCD Projector off when not in use. This is accomplished by pushing Projector off button Projector buttons will flash for a few seconds.

3 Push the PC button until lit if you wish to use the PC with the projector.

4 a.Power should be left on the PC all the time as indicated by green light b. IF NOT, power up the PC by this button and green light wll come on.

5 After connecting cables, push the laptop button until lit if you wish to use your laptop with projector. Lastly..power up your laptop

6 First…Connect Cables to Laptop AUDIOVGA Internet

7 Push the VIDEO button until lit if you wish to show a VHS tape or a DVD in the video player.

8 Increase volume by turning volume knob clockwise

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