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Developing Countries Necessary for GDP Growth FOOD KENYA HOUSES.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Countries Necessary for GDP Growth FOOD KENYA HOUSES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Countries Necessary for GDP Growth FOOD KENYA HOUSES

2 Globalization: Poverty or Prosperity?

3 A new way to fight global poverty
MICROLOANS A new way to fight global poverty

4 Microcredit Microloans allow poor people in developing countries to borrow small sums of money Loans usually range from $10 - $1,000 Interest rates range typically between 20% - 70% Originated in Bangladesh Muhammad Yunus won Nobel Peace Prize for developing Micro-Loans Founded Grameen Bank

5 Grameen Bank Founded 1973 in Bangladesh
Has distributed 6.55 billion USD 7.34 million borrowers (97% women) Over 90% repayment rate!

6 Video on Microfinance

7 BENEFITS Allows new businesses to start
Establishes credit for future loans Empowers women as head of the household Helps developing countries slowly industrialize

8 COSTS Some women depend on loans for household expenses
Scams- abuses do occur Some foundations use excessive interest rates Could become entrapped in debt

9 Organizations Kiva Namaste Direct Unitus Grameen Bank (Village Bank)
Companies and Charities: Kiva Namaste Direct Unitus Grameen Bank (Village Bank) Muhammad Yunus’s Bank YOU can lend Money!

10 Economic Analysis of Microloans

11 Bibliography

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