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Preparing for Promotion, Tenure and Annual Review August 22, 2018

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1 Preparing for Promotion, Tenure and Annual Review August 22, 2018
New Faculty Orientation 2016 August 16, 2016 Preparing for Promotion, Tenure and Annual Review August 22, 2018 Kevin West, Senior Director, Faculty Labor Relations Kevin West and Marcia King-Blandford

2 New Faculty Orientation 2016
August 16, 2016 Research Service Teaching Professor - ‘academic teacher of an art or science, or of the law.’ (Oxford English Dictionary) Scholarship means engaging in original research but it also means stepping back from one's investigation, looking for connections, building bridges between theory and practice, and communicating one's knowledge effectively to students. Boyer, 1990 The trifecta of the professoriate – teaching, research and service – under closer examination with require you to focus your talents and interests in these three areas – Main focus of faculty appointments: Tenure/Tenure Track Lecturer Faculty appointment not covered by a CB As we introduce the topics of tenure here at the University, we want to also acknowledge expectations, identify resources, and suggest strategies that we believe can contribute to your success. Kevin West and Marcia King-Blandford

3 New Faculty Orientation 2016
August 16, 2016 Collective Bargaining Agreement or Rules and Regulations College Elaborations Department Elaborations Offer Letter Statement of Expectations Current Vitae Philosophy of Teaching The listing below shall include, but not be limited to, the specific items to be considered solely when evaluating teaching and for no other purpose. (1) Number of course preparations (2) Availability of teaching support resources (3) Class size, credit hours, and/or FTE’s (4) Course time requirements (5) Development of new courses, laboratories, or instructional facilities (6) Integration of new technologies and pedagogies (7) Student conferences inside and outside of office hours (8) Off-campus instruction and supervision (9) Individual and special instruction, including independent studies (10) Advising (11) Clinical supervision of students (12) Supervision of thesis and dissertation research and writing (13) Preparation and evaluation of graduate exams (14) Coordinator responsibilities (15) Professional librarian responsibilities It is intended that the member shall utilize the member's expertise to address problems in the member's discipline or area of specialization through professional, scholarly and/or creative activity which clearly contributes to the discipline and/or the wider society through: (1) Scholarly investigation, creative activity and/or research of an original and/or previously unreported nature; or (2) Applied research (including professional publications and patents), investigation, or scholarly analysis of existing research, information, and creative endeavors resulting in the development of new data, information, applications, and/or interpretations; or (3) Commercialization, licensing, development and commercialization of University discoveries, inventions or patents; or (4) Artistic creations, shows and performances; or (5) Activities for acquiring and maintaining professional certification, licensing, and continuing education; or (6) Community-based research projects. Kevin West and Marcia King-Blandford


5 Academic Review Process
New Faculty Orientation 2016 Academic Review Process August 16, 2016 Department Department Personnel Committee Department Chair College College Personnel Committee College Dean University University Committee on Academic Personnel (UCAP) Provost President Board of Trustees First two years, there is a limited review for tenure/tenure track appointments Kevin West and Marcia King-Blandford

6 Tenure and Promotion Every member appointed without tenure to the rank of Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor shall serve a probationary period not longer than six years. However, in certain circumstances, it may be extended to up to eight years (See section 8.2). New tenure-track faculty hired without tenure after July 1, 2004 shall be appointed to an initial two-year term.

7 Tenure and Promotion Under certain circumstances, the probationary period of tenure-track Bargaining Unit Faculty Members may be extended. The circumstances encompass the following: Instances where the probationary Bargaining Unit Faculty Member has developed an illness that would result in a negative impact on his or her progress toward tenure. Instances caused by a Bargaining Unit Faculty Member being called to extended military or civilian duty by the federal or state government or to extended judicial duty.

8 Tenure and Promotion Instances caused by extraordinary professional circumstances due to external factors out of the Bargaining Unit Faculty Member’s control. Instances arising as a result of an unpaid leave of absence (see section ). Each request to extend the probationary period shall be limited to one academic year. In exceptional circumstances, a second academic year of extension may be requested or granted. The probationary period may be extended for no more than two (2) academic years in sum total.

9 Tenure and Promotion Upon confirmation of pregnancy or adoption, a member who intends to request Family Childcare Leave under this section must provide his/her Department Chair with written notification of the pregnancy or intention to adopt and a certificate from the treating physician or Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, or adoption agency identifying the expected time of childbirth or adoption as soon as is reasonably practical to provide appropriate time for all parties to plan for the expected leave.

10 Faculty Considerations
New Faculty Orientation 2016 August 16, 2016 Faculty Considerations Setting clear expectations and goals for new, non- tenured faculty How tenure policies can affect your work life Important networks including mentors, advocates, and peers How to set reasonable boundaries and choose professional involvements wisely How to be a good colleague How to effectively and “realistically” integrate your faculty work with your life Kevin West and Marcia King-Blandford

11 New Faculty Orientation 2016
August 16, 2016 Question? or Kevin West and Marcia King-Blandford

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