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***What will be the impact on voting in the South??

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Presentation on theme: "***What will be the impact on voting in the South??"— Presentation transcript:

1 ***What will be the impact on voting in the South??
____________of 1872: All white Southern ex-Confederates can vote and hold public office. ***What will be the impact on voting in the South?? A White Southern Democrat holding his nose as African Americans go to vote

2 Sharecropping

3 ___________________ System
Furnishing Merchant Tenant Farmer Landowner Loan tools and seed up to 60% interest to tenant farmer to plant spring crop. Farmer also secures food, clothing, and other necessities on credit from merchant until the harvest. Merchant holds “lien” {mortgage} on part of tenant’s future crops as repayment of debt. Plants crop, harvests in autumn. Turns over up to ½ of crop to land owner as payment of rent. Tenant gives remainder of crop to merchant in payment of debt. Rents land to tenant in exchange for ¼ to ½ of tenant farmer’s future crop.

4 Black & White Political Participation

5 Establishment of Historically Black Colleges in the South

6 Black Senate & House Delegates

7 __________ in the South?

8 _______ Administration Scandals
Grant presided over an era of unprecedented growth and corruption. Credit Mobilier Scandal. Whiskey Ring. The “Indian Ring.”

9 The Election of 1872 Rumors of corruption during Grant’s first term discredit Republicans. ______________runs as a Democrat/Liberal Republican candidate. Greeley attacked as a fool and a crank. Greeley died on November 29, 1872!

10 ___________________ of 1876
The House gave all electoral votes to Republican ____________________. The South did not mind because Hayes had secretly agreed to _______________________________________________

11 Redemption Governments
After the Compromise of 1876, federal troops were withdrawn from the South _______________: White Supremacist governments of ex-Confederates elected with a pledge to restore the South to its pre-war glory.

12 Restricting the Rights of African Americans
_____________: Voters have to pay a fee when they show up to vote at the polls Most blacks could not afford the tax

13 Literacy Tests and the Grandfather Clause
_______________: This required voters to read and explain a section of the Constitution The Catch: Most blacks at the time could not read, and so they failed the test __________________: If a person’s father or grandfather was eligible to vote on January 1st, 1867, the voter did not have to take the Literacy Test The Catch: No blacks could vote before 1868

14 Segregation: _________________, 1892
This Supreme Court case determined that separating blacks and whites was legal, as long as the facilities were equal “________________”

15 ________________Laws
Laws passed by Southern states that separated blacks and whites in schools, restaurants, theatres, trains, street cars, playgrounds, hospitals, and cemeteries (On left) A racist depiction of blacks dancing through a field

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