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Welcome to 7th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 7th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 7th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Night
Follow these steps to join Remind! 1. Download the Remind app. It’s free! 2. Enter the class code @7201 Join via TEXT! Enter this number 81010 with this message @la7201 What’s Remind? Remind is a simple way for you to stay informed and up-to-date with what’s happening in our class. By joining you’re choosing to receive class messages via Text or . Don’t worry, your phone number will not be shared with the teacher or anyone else in the class. Welcome to 7th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Night Mrs. Hawkins September 21st, 2015

2 A little about Mrs. Hawkins…
Bachelor of Arts in Business Education with a major in Finance Cleary University Teacher: 13th year (10th in RCS) Mother of 3: Jessica (Graduate of EMU/Married), Tori (Rochester HS, 9th grader) Jeff (West MS, 6th grader) Wife: Married for 16 years Rochester Hills resident University of Michigan Masters of Arts in Elementary Education Endorsed in Language Arts & Social Studies

3 MY SCHEDULE SCHOOL STARTS 7:30 SCHOOL ENDS 2:27 Half days end 10:45
1st Hour World Studies :45-8:43 2nd Hour World Studies :48-9:46 3rd Hour PREP 9:51-10:49 4th Hour World Studies 7 10:54-12:23 Lunch LUNCH :21-11:51 5th Hour Language Arts 7 12:28-1:25 6th Hour Language Arts 7 1:30-2:27 MY SCHEDULE

4 Common Core State Standards
Our Curriculum The Common Core asks students to read stories and literature, as well as more complex texts that provide facts and background knowledge in areas such as science and social studies. Students will be challenged and asked questions that push them to refer back to what they’ve read. This stresses critical-thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills that are required for success in college, career, and life. Common Core State Standards National

5 Common Core State Standards-5 Strands
Curriculum Common Core State Standards-5 Strands Literature: Stories, Drama, & Poetry Compare and Contrast Analyze Story Elements Genres Studied: Adventure, Realistic Fiction, Mystery, Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Folklore, Science Fiction, Poetry Informational Text: Exposition, Argument, Personal Essays, Speeches, Opinion, Memoirs, and Historical and Technical Accounts Analyzing Text Structure & Development of Ideas Genres Studies: Biography, Autobiography, Memoir Writing: Arguments, Informative or Explanatory, and Narratives, Research Maintaining Clarity and Coherence Speaking & Listening: Variety of Media, Collaborative Discussions, and Presenting Knowledge Language: Conventions (grammar & vocabulary)

6 Holt McDougal Literature 7
Login page is All students have been given individual login username and password.

7 COMMUNICATION Email MyRCS Planner/ Agenda Classroom Web Page Weebly
Report Cards/ Progress Reports Parent Conference & Reminder 101 MyRCS

8 STUDENT PLANNERS Filled in daily
Most accurate information/Classroom Website. CW-Classwork HW-Homework Parents-please check! Encourage students to write down all assignments.

9 Rochester Community Schools
Class Website Rochester Community Schools Middle Schools Schools School Menu Van Hoosen Mrs. Hawkins Classroom News Weekly Agenda (updated every Monday) Reminders, PowerPoint's, and forms. Online sites for additional practice or review.

10 Discipline Warning Reflection Form Requires parent signature
Non-verbal or Verbal Reflection Form Requires parent signature Parent ed Detention with or without office referral Parent Called or ed

11 Absences What should I do when my child is absent? Absence
Check classroom web page. me. Exceeds 2 days, may request homework from the office. What should I do when my child is absent? Student is responsible for checking the “Missed Work” folders once they return. Student should also check the Agenda on the board. Allowed two days per each day absence to complete and turn in assignment. Absence (Due to Illness) May request work five days prior to absence. Make-up work is due the first day of return. (Due to pre-planned Circumstances)

12 Homework Policy Homework vs. Homework Completion
Homework builds responsibility, self-discipline and good time-management skills. Homework vs. Homework Completion Regular Homework is turned in and graded. Homework completion refers to those assignments which are not graded but simply recorded as complete. Expect 2 or 3 days of homework.

13 HOMEWORK Independent Reading (30 minutes daily)
8 Novels Assigned Textbook Reading Note-Taking Vocabulary Reading Check (Comprehension/Strategies) Book Club/Novels

14 Grades GRADING SYSTEM Grades will be determined by the following:
Tests & Projects 40% Quizzes & Classwork 30% Homework 20% Homework Completion* 10% * A portion of the homework grade will be assessed at the end of the marking period based upon their completion and quality of work. Students start with 100% and will receive a 10% reduction for each assignment not completed.

15 Donations please  We are always in need of these items. Send them in at your convenience.

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