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Civil War: The Fall of 1863.

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1 Civil War: The Fall of 1863

2 Surrender of Vicksburg (July 4, 1863)
Under siege since May CSA: Gen. John C. Pemberton 33,000 men Union: Gen. U.S. Grant 77,000 men Surrender here and at Port Hudson secures Miss. River for Union

3 Battle of Chickamauga (September 19-20, 1863)
CSA: Gen. Braxton Bragg 65,000 men Union: Gen. William Rosecrans 60,000 men Bragg reinforced by Longstreet (Lee’s army) Numerical superiority = Confederate advantage

4 Battle of Chickamauga (continued) (Day 1: September 19, 1863)
Bragg’s Plan: surprise attack as Rosecrans advanced through GA. Delays led to loss of surprise. Confused day of fighting led to heavy casualties and stalemate. Around 16,000 total

5 Battle of Chickamauga (continued) (Day 2: September 20, 1863)
Morning assaults inconclusive. Noon: Longstreet obliterates Union right flank. Union Gen. George Thomas held center, allowing retreat.

6 “The Rock of Chickamauga” Gen. George Thomas on Horseshoe Ridge.

7 Aftermath of Chickamauga
Second-bloodiest battle of the war: CSA: 18,400 Union: 16,100 Union Army of the Cumberland escapes. Bragg begins Siege of Chattanooga.

8 Battle of Lookout Mountain (November 24, 1863)
Grant moves to end siege at Chattanooga. Phase 1: Remove Confederates from Lookout Mt. Union: Gen. Joe Hooker 10,000 men CSA: Gen. Carter Stevenson 8,700 men

9 Union troops under Gen. “Fighting Joe” Hooker force Confederate forces to retreat from Lookout Mountain.

10 Battle of Missionary Ridge (November 25, 1863)
Phase 2: Capture and hold Missionary Ridge. Grant (55,000) vs. Bragg (44,000) Sherman’s main assault falters. Impromptu charge by Thomas’ men breaks Confederate center. Bragg forced to retreat to GA.

11 Union Gen. Thomas’ men breaking through the Confederate defenses on top of Missionary Ridge.

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