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Oppstartssamling planarbeidet Regionalplan sjøareal havbruk

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Presentation on theme: "Oppstartssamling planarbeidet Regionalplan sjøareal havbruk"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oppstartssamling planarbeidet Regionalplan sjøareal havbruk
AquaAccept Project: Developing novel socio-environmental indicators and management tools for a sustainable aquaculture Oppstartssamling planarbeidet Regionalplan sjøareal havbruk Elisa Ravagnan 28 September 2015 Photo: Fiona Provan (IRIS)

2 Sustainability of Aquaculture Industry: Extremely hot topic
It is not possible to talk about sustainability without using an interdisciplinary approach 06 December 2018

3 The main objective is to investigate the acceptable impacts of aquaculture on marine coastal systems. Focus will be biological indicators, social acceptability and integrated management. Secondary objectives: 1. To analyse if the combination of indicators currently used to monitor effects of aquaculture is giving a comprehensive overview of the environmental status. 2. To verify if the use of novel biological indicators could enhance the sensitivity of the monitoring. 3. To present status of the current social acceptability of aquaculture in fjords 4. To further ensure sustainability by developing knowledge of social acceptability of aquaculture. 5. To improve a new modelling tool for environmental risk, social acceptability and management of conflicts. 6. To provide recommendations and suggestions to the authorities and the industry to improve the sustainability of aquaculture in multiple aspects. WP1 WP2 WP3 06 December 2018

4 innovative research and approaches great team
Key points: innovative research and approaches great team involvement of stakeholders and local authorities dissemination of results (scientific level/non scholar level) 06 December 2018

5 The AquaAccept team

6 To analyse if the combination of indicators currently used to monitor effects of aquaculture is giving a comprehensive overview of the environmental status. To verify if the use of novel biological indicators could enhance the sensitivity of the monitoring. WP1 1.1 Preparation of review report on biomarkers and biosensors in aquaculture 1.2 Feasibility study for biodiversity indexes as a tool in monitoring of environmental impact of aquaculture 1.3 Identification of probes to be implemented in tools for in situ detection of pathogens.

7 3. To present status of the current social acceptability of aquaculture in fjords
4. To further ensure sustainability by developing knowledge of social acceptability of aquaculture. WP2 Questions Design Who are the stakeholder groups? Fishfarmers Hobby fishermen and others using nature for recreation Consumers Local authorities / politicians Which factors increase or decrease acceptance? pollution of the sea and other wild fish, «visual pollution» the quality and prize of the farmed fish, jobs, tourism Settlement Acceptance – what you say or what you do – attitudes or behavior? National surveys Many cases (informants), few questions Screening attitudes, interests and behavior Case studies Many questions, few cases (informants) Zooming in on stakeholder groups in rural coastal areas Method: interviews, documents Focus on reasons, rationalities, legitimation

8 5. To develop a new modelling tool for environmental risk, social acceptability and management of conflicts. 6. To provide recommendations and suggestions to the authorities and the industry to improve the sustainability of aquaculture in multiple aspects. WP3 GRID GRID 2.0

9 GRID 2.0: WEB-based tool to:
merge different data sources and types (quantitative and qualitative) basing on the results of WP1 (Improved indicators and monitoring methods) as well the socio-economic outputs emerging from WP2; provide spatial and temporal representations of the outputs; allow stakeholders to easly access data (results of monitoring activities and acceptability analysis). Demo: case of study in Rogaland  Boknafjord Base map and information collected from:

10 GRID 2.0: WEB-based tool Demo: case of study in Rogaland  Boknafjord Salmon cages Shrimp fishing grounds Gillnet fishing Spawning areas

11 GRID 2.0: WEB-based tool Future scenario: Salmon cages increase and conflicts with other activities in the area Economical: % of income lost because of the salmon cages increase Spatial: % of area lost because of the salmon cages increase

12 GRID 2.0: WEB-based tool Social perspective: STAKEHOLDERS STATEMENT
Scientist (fish biology) The low prices of aquaculture products negatively impact the price of similar wild caught fish Fish farming sector (consultancy) The environmental impact of fish farms on the benthos is marginal and limited to the farm area Administration (environment) Fish farms create new opportunities for economic activities (e.g. fishing, boating, gastronomy) Fisherman (aquaculture installations nearby) Fish farms generate new biotopes

13 Partners: UiS, Fiskaaling, ISMAR
New project proposal: Holistic management of the coastal zone: a framework for sustainable and integrated development (AquaZone) The main objective: identify the key drivers for sustainable increased production in the coastal zone; help the authorities to identify the most integrated, adaptive and participatory solutions. The project will integrate knowledge from social, economic and environmental aspects in a user-friendly decision support tool for the management of the coastal area. Secondary objectives: 1. Identify descriptors for assessing multiple impacts in the coastal zone (social, economic and environmental) 2. Explore the sustainability of solutions for salmon aquaculture intensification: aquaculture cage systems; IMTA; feed; new bio-industries (utilization of removed sludge and by-products). 3. Implement a decision support tool for the coastal zone management 4. Identify and evaluate environmental, economic and social hypothetical scenarios for a sustainable development of the coastal zone Partners: UiS, Fiskaaling, ISMAR 06 December 2018

14 IRIS and aquaculture Aquaculture technology
recirculation technology, semi- closed sea cages and water quality (several) Aquaculture acceptance Developing novel socio-environmental indicators and management tools for a sustainable Aquaculture Environment & climate Effect of diflubenzuron (medicated feed for salmon) on shrimp in changing climate Fish health Use of LC-MS/MS for identification of protein markers related to sea lice infestation Testing of Seafarm Pulse Guard- against sea lice Waste Use of LC-MS/MS to identify bioactive peptides in by-products from aquaculture Feed Bioprotein- protein source for feed 06 December 2018

15 Thank you for your attention
For additional info or to provide any suggestion, please contact: 06 December 2018

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