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Cell Theory Notes.

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1 Cell Theory Notes

2 The English-born scientist, Robert Hooke, was the first scientist who used the word cell when he studied cork. Thought the cork looked like prison cells.

3 2. The Dutch scientist, Anton von Leeuwenhoek, was the first scientist who used a simple microscope to study living cells & organisms.

4 3. The German scientists, Schleiden, Schwann and Virchow developed the Cell Theory

5 A. All living things are made up of one or more cells.
The Cell Theory states:

6 B. A cell is the basic unit of structure and function in an organism.
The Cell Theory, continued B. A cell is the basic unit of structure and function in an organism.

7 C. New cells come only from other living cells.
The Cell Theory, continued C. New cells come only from other living cells. “every cell originates from another cell” proposed by Virchow, proved by others “Omnis cellula e cellula” Virchow

8 Other scientists proved life only comes from life
Other scientists proved life only comes from life. Every cell originates from another cell. The Cell Theory, continued “every cell originates from another cell”

9 Before scientists proved that life only comes from other life, many people had the idea that life (biotic) could come from non-living (abiotic). This is what is called spontaneous generation. “every cell originates from another cell”

10 The Italian scientist Francesco Redi, used fruit flies to disprove spontaneous generation (that life could arise from abiotic factors). “every cell originates from another cell”

11 5. In the nineteenth century, French scientist Louis Pasteur used bacteria in an experiment proving the same thing. “every cell originates from another cell”

12 Will boiling make a difference in bacterial growth?
“every cell originates from another cell”

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