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Presentation on theme: "GIGABIT ETHERNET DESIGN ECE Spring 2004 Group 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 GIGABIT ETHERNET DESIGN ECE164.02 - Spring 2004 Group 1
Presentation #7 - Russell Cook

2 Week Progress Summary Soldiered the VCSEL in Place Tested the Transmitter Section Reviewed Midterm Report Notes Started Final Report Updated Gantt Chart

3 Updated Gantt Chart

4 Current Link Setup

5 Transmitter Section of Link

6 Transmitter Schematic

7 Transmitter Test Setup

8 Differential Input 1 Waveform

9 Differential Input 2 Waveform

10 Cathode Connection Waveform

11 Signal Generator Display

12 Next Week’s Agenda Fix the Transmitter Soldier the PD in Place
Test the Receiver Trouble Shoot / Debug Receiver Continue Work on Final Report Prepare Final Gantt Chart Take Pictures of Perfect Waveforms Pray to God Everything Finally Works

13 THE END Group Members Russell Cook Yashar Pirzadeh James Dezelle

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