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Climate change.

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1 Climate change

2 Define Climate change is the process of our planet heating up. Mr.Robinson gave us an assignment on climate change. We have to find out what has been done to help climate change. We also have to find our own solutions to this problem. Which will help our generation with climate change. This is because climate change is becoming more of a problem everyday and we don’t even notice it. The reason to this problem is is humans not using green-energy . Our very own actions is polluting the air. The root cause of this problem is using coal and fossil fuels. If we start being smart about our actions maybe we can help. It will make a difference if even one person thinks about it and uses their voice.

3 Discover 2 Global climate change: climate change has already affected the world. Scientists made all these predictions in the past about the results of global warming and it’s happening. Such as intense heat waves , glaciers shrinking and trees are flowering sooner. It is predicted that the temperature will rise for decades , due to the greenhouse gasses produced by human activities. Climate change is having a big impact on the worlds water system. More flooding and higher water content that makes rain patterns huge. Water is something very important to all biotic factors that needs water.

4 Discover 2 What has said to be done to stop climate change: The problem is carbon dioxide. It’s only released when oil, coal and other fossil fuels are burned for energy. Which is the energy us humans use in our daily life. For example using power for our homes, cars , smart phones etc. Maybe if we use less of it we can help climate change and save money. Some ways to stop climate change is to - use your voice : talk to everyone you know. Make sure they’re using good energy and making good choices. - power home with renewable energy: use something that generates almost half of its power from wind or solar energy. Look at your bills many companies list other ways to support renewable energy. - reduce water waste: take shorter shower and turn of the tap while brushing your teeth. Saving water reduces carbon pollution. It takes energy and pump heat and treat your water. - recycling: throwing garbage on the field is not healthy. It causes land pollution. Which can affect human health and serious diseases such as cancer. The toxic that pollutes the soil gets in the human body by breathing in dust or eating fruits and veggies that have been grown in polluted soil.

5 Dream My ideas of solution to climate change:
- less cutting down trees -solar panels - reduce auto emission - stop pollution in the ocean : use fewer plastic related products - support organizations that protect the ocean - dispose of hazardous chemicals properly

6 Works cited

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