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Parts of speech EL8.

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1 Parts of speech EL8

2 Noun A person, place, or thing.
1. Please put these new books in the bookcase over there. 2. A computer can store and retrieve information. 3. Does Tim live in a house or in an apartment? 4. Ms. Enriquez believes wealth cannot buy happiness. 5. Her loyalty and honesty made her a great friend.

3 Pronoun Takes the place of a proper noun
1. A spotted coat helps the leopard hide from its prey. 2. Snow covered the ballpark earlier, but it melted. 3. Ken came by and picked up his basketball before supper. 4. Many artists built their studios in old warehouses. 5. She went straight to the counter and bought the sweets.

4 Verb Shows an action or state of being. 1. Joey ran to the store.
2. The boxer is strong. 3. The teacher helped the student with her homework. 4. Thick clouds cover the planet Venus. 5. Inside the classroom was a happy teacher.

5 Adverb Modifies everything but a noun
1. He placed it very carefully on the table. 2. The boys looked at her stupidly. 3. Bridget runs fast. 4. They arrived early. 5. He always helps those in need.

6 Adjective Modifies a noun
1. The huge crowd appeared excited and restless. 2. Two old prospectors and a weary mule trudged across the desert. 3. The loyal fans cheered their team in the game. 4. Our European guests were weary after the long trip. 5. I will follow the yellow cab.

7 Interjection A word that expresses a sudden emotion.
1. Hey! Get off that floor! 2. Oh, that is a surprise.  3. Yes, I do intend to cover the bet. 4. Mmmm, my compliments to the chef. 5. Hurry! The bus is about to leave!

8 Conjunction Connects clauses or phrases
1. History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it. 2. Jamie, Adam and Lee arranged to meet by The Bull at 7 o'clock. 3. Neither you and your friends nor all of Reuther could stop me. 4. We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. 5. The manager or his secretary will notify you when the report is ready.

9 Preposition A word that shows the location of a noun or pronoun
1. The library will hold the book until tomorrow. 2. The messenger for the company stopped several times along the route. 3. The meeting of the council took place in a private area of the building. 4. The prompter sat behind the scenery with a small flashlight. 5. The elephants lumbered past us toward the water hole.

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