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Career Transition Framework

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1 Career Transition Framework
Stage 1 Reflect Stage 2 Prepare Stage 3 Act Stage 4 Land What? Employment history My best experiences working What do I value most in my job, myself and my employer? What am I good at and love to do? What? Prepare achievement statements Review the employment market and identify trends Link your skills and interests to high potential sectors/ industries Identify and prepare potential references What? Meet people working in or with your target market Expand the number of people you know in your target market Identify and meet ‘connectors’ to your target market Apply for jobs within your target market Interview for jobs within your target market What? Negotiate terms and conditions Establish an approach for integrating into your new organization Develop and grow relationships with colleagues, supervisor, internal and external clients Identify clear performance objectives with your boss for first 3-6 months Why? Prepare a supportive resume Pursue a job and organization that supports your values and your skills You want to perform well in interviews Why? You want to pursue your career objective in high potential markets You want to land your new job quickly You want to perform well in ‘behavioural’ interviews Why? 85% of jobs are never advertised The informal job market is less competitive Why? Your strongest negotiating position is at this time Understand definition of success Deliverables Career Objective Skills and competencies Preferred work environment Deliverables Resume Target market Deliverables Job leads Greater target market understanding Deliverables Appropriate employment terms Positioned for success

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