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Jeopardy Politics/ Laws Name that civilization Religions Geography

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Politics/ Laws Name that civilization Religions Geography"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Politics/ Laws Name that civilization Religions Geography
New Stuff Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from H1

3 $100 Answer from H1 Egypt

4 $200 Question from H1

5 $200 Answer from H1 China

6 $300 Question from H1

7 $300 Answer from H1 Byzantine Empire

8 $400 Question from H1

9 $400 Answer from H1 Japan

10 $500 Question from H1 Virgil’s Aeneid..

11 $500 Answer from H1 Rome

12 $100 Question from H2 This religion started in India with
Siddhartha Gautama; Asoka’s Missionaries spread it across Asia.

13 $100 Answer from H2 Buddhism

14 $200 Question from H2 This is the primary religion of India;
It believes in reincarnation and karma. Reincarnation allows you to move Up or down in the caste system.

15 $200 Answer from H2 Hinduism

16 $300 Question from H2 This is a distinctly Japanese religion –
People worship kami.

17 $300 Answer from H2 Shintoism

18 $400 Question from H2 This religion was founded by
Muhammad. It’s major beliefs are The Five Pillars.

19 $400 Answer from H2 Islam

20 $500 Question from H2 This was the major religion of Middle
Ages Europe (be specific!)

21 $500 Answer from H2 Roman Catholic Christianity

22 $100 Question from H3 This is the peninsula where Islam Originated.

23 $100 Answer from H3 Arabian peninsula

24 $200 Question from H3 This place is known as the land
Between the Rivers.

25 $200 Answer from H3 Mesopotamia

26 $300 Question from H3 Name the peninsulas that Greece
And Rome were located on.

27 $300 Answer from H3 Greece - Balkan peninsula Rome – Italian peninsula

28 $400 Question from H3 Name three regions that Islam spread To.

29 $400 Answer from H3 Northern Africa, Asia, Europe (Spain)

30 $500 Question from H3 Name the three civilizations listed on the map.
CA BA AA Name the three civilizations listed on the map.

31 $500 Answer from H3 A – India B – China C – Russia

32 $100 Question from H4 First written law code - EVER
Consisted of harsh laws

33 $100 Answer from H4 Hammurabi’s Code

34 $200 Question from H4 Name of the law code that included
This idea that’s still used today – “innocent until proven guilty”.

35 $200 Answer from H4 Twelve Tables

36 $300 Question from H4 Name for the law code that
Brought together all of Rome/ Byzantine’s laws.

37 $300 Answer from H4 Justinian’s Code

38 $400 Question from H4 Moral Law code of the Hebrews

39 $400 Answer from H4 Ten Commandments

40 $500 Question from H4 Major political system in Europe during the
Middle Ages – strengthened by invasions.

41 $500 Answer from H4 Feudalism

42 $100 Question from H5 Japan is a chain of islands AKA

43 $100 Answer from H5 Archipelago

44 $200 Question from H5 What two goods were traded in West Africa?

45 $200 Answer from H5 Gold and Salt

46 $300 Question from H5 Name the social hierarchy of Medieval Europe.

47 $300 Answer from H5 King – Nobles – Knights - Peasants

48 $400 Question from H5 Name the two East African kingdoms.

49 $400 Answer from H5 Axum and Zimbabwe

50 $500 Question from H5 Name the three West African kingdoms – In order.

51 $500 Answer from H5 Ghana – Mali – Songhai

52 Final Jeopardy Name at least three of the five trade routes!

53 Final Jeopardy Answer Silk Road Mediterranean Sea Trade Network
Indian Ocean Trade Network Trans-Saharan Trade Network Links between N. Europe and the Black Sea

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