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Get out your reading guide from 15.2

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1 Get out your reading guide from 15.2
While I check assignments…. Complete memory clues for the first three words; oceanography, volcanism, and sea level.

2 Ocean/Sea Water Facts How much salt is there? Salinity
3.5% of ocean water is salt Average Salt is dissolved in the water Table-salt Most abundant Measure of how many salts are dissolved in sea water. Can change from place to place Rain, Melting Sea Ice, Rivers Running into Oceans

3 Where Does the Salt Come From?
Origin Has of Salt Always Been the Same? Yes We can tell by looking at shells of fossilized organisms that used to live there. Volcanic Gases dissolve in water Weathering of rocks

4 Why Don’t Our Oceans Get Any More Salty?
Salt is continuously added… But, salts are also removed at the same rate they are added. Combine to make other rocks Washed ashore Marine Organisms

5 Ocean Water vs Freshwater
Demonstration In Class More dense then fresh water Cold water is more dense then warm water Density = 1.02 g/cm3 – 1.03 g/cm3 Salt water freezes at a lower temperature then freshwater

6 Come up with a memory clue for salinity.
Reflecting Break Come up with a memory clue for salinity.

7 Ocean Layering Temperature Temperature Profile
Surface temperatures can be very different -20C around the poles to 300C around the equator Deep ocean water is always very cold Shows the changing water temperatures with depth

8 Temperature Profile Temperature Details 1st 100 meters: Surface Layer
Sunlit Relatively Warm 2nd layer: Thermocline Transitional Layer Temperatures Decrease Rapidly With Depth 3rd Layer: Bottom Layer Cold and Dark Temperatures near Freezing

9 Cold Water Origin All of the cold water making up the bottom layer of oceans around the tropics comes from Earth’s polar seas.

10 Come up with a memory clue for Temperature Profile and Thermocline
Reflection Break Come up with a memory clue for Temperature Profile and Thermocline

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