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SDS Rv1 0411 Confidential.

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1 SDS Rv1 0411 Confidential

2 Agenda HIPAA Risk Conclusion SDS Technology Benefits Confidential
SDS Rv1 0411 Confidential

3 HIPAA History HIPAA was enacted in 1996 to improve the portability and continuity of health insurance coverage and health care delivery Congress amended HIPAA to include punitive measures for HIPAA infractions in 2002 SDS Rv1 0411 Confidential

4 Recent Data Breaches (2011)
1.7M records lost in stolen back up tapes 2/16/11 2,777 records lost in lost flash drive 3/9/11 1.9M records lost in stolen HDDs 3/15/11 Punitive fines avg. $7.2 million SDS Rv1 0411 Confidential

5 HIPAA Enforcement / Penalties
January 2011 HealthNet $55K fine for loss of 522 records in a hard drive. Additional 66,000 records missing. Fines pending. February 2011 Cignet Health- $4.3M Fine ($105,000/record for 41 records) March 2011 Estimated cost of a data breach event is $7.2M SDS Rv1 0411 Confidential

6 Who is Secure Data Solutions?
Business division of continually operating independent technology solutions supplier since 1985 Providing leading edge data security solutions for Lifesciences market sector Concentration on Set-Up and Walk Away (SUWA) Solutions SDS Rv1 0411 Confidential

7 SDS Data Protection Triad (DPT)
Data Breach Target Areas SDS DPT Solutions for Data in Motion, Data in Use and Data at Rest SDS Rv1 0411 Confidential

8 SDS DPT Partners SDS has developed solutions for data protection using
technologies from these leading edge, Best-In-Class, channel partner to mitigate risk: Data in Motion Featuring appliances from BlackRidge Technology Data in Use Featuring TPM & Remote provisioning laptops from Lenovo Featuring secure voice & video conferencing from Meeting to You Data at Rest Storage - Servers / Desktop / Laptop Featuring Opal hardware from Seagate Removable - Featuring FIPS L3 Disk media & USB Storage from Imation SDS Rv1 0411 Confidential

9 SDS Data in Motion Introducing BlackRidge Technologies
Identity Based Security Solution on external and internal accessible networks Motion SDS Rv1 0411 Confidential

10 BlackRidge TAC Technology
First Packet Authentication TM Enforces authorization before TCPIP session initiation Network endpoints are invisible (cloaked) to non-authorized users so an attack cannot be initiated. This patented technology is called Transport Access Control (TAC) rather than putting overhead and administrated protection on securing the data after connected SDS Rv1 0411 Confidential

11 BlackRidge Compatibility
Transparent to current network architecture, applications and infrastructure Complementary to current security measures in place Requires minimal investment in additional infrastructure and support resources BlackRidge is a unique proactive security solution for today’s market BlackRidge Technology Firewalls Intrusion Prevention Systems Virtual Private Networks Network Resources & Applications Existing Security Infrastructure SDS Rv1 0411 Confidential

12 SDS Data at Rest Introducing Imation and Seagate
Hard Disks and Removable Storage SDS Rv1 0411 Confidential

13 SDS Data in Use Introducing Lenovo and Meeting to You
Secure Laptops, desktops and telemedicine conferencing solutions In Use SDS Rv1 0411 Confidential

14 Thank You! SDS Rv1 0411 Confidential

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