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Informative Notes on this topic

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1 Informative Notes on this topic
Smokeless Tobacco Informative Notes on this topic

2 Vocabulary words and definitions
Chew—made from chopped tobacco leaves, that’s placed between the gums and cheek Snuff—made from powdered tobacco leaves and stems, that is snorted and placed between the gums and cheek Nicotine—released from smokeless tobacco, absorbed through the linings of the mouth or nose, and carried to the brain through the bloodstream.

3 Harmful Chemicals Formaldehyde Lead Nitrosamines Cadmium Polonium

4 Causes Leukoplakia—abnormal cells in the mouth that appear as white patches of tissue Stains teeth Tooth decay Gums pull away from the teeth exposing the roots Teeth become sensitive and are more likely to fall out Dulls senses of taste and smell More likely to eat more salty and sweet foods

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