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Unit Two Vocabulary Week Three.

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1 Unit Two Vocabulary Week Three

2 civility (noun) politeness
It is always best to act with civility towards others; then they will be civil to you too.

3 connoisseur (noun) expert Murray was a connoisseur of fine art.

4 exhilaration (noun) excitement
There is nothing quite like a rollercoaster for inducing a sense of exhilaration.

5 foible (noun) weakness/character flaw
Achilles’ only foible was in his heel.

6 germane (adjective) relevant
It would not be germane to talk about your relationship problems to a potential employer during a job interview.

7 gregarious (adjective)

8 obsequious (adjective)
fawning/sucking up

9 patrimony (noun) inheritance from a father
My green eyes are a patrimony from my father.

10 precocious (adjective)
unusually mature The precocious young man began attending college when he was ten-years-old.

11 punctilious (adjective)
exact/careful/meticulous eager to follow the rules Punctilious Paul made sure the children crossed the street carefully. .

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