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ANOTACE: Anotace: Didaktický učební materiál je určen žákům středních škol k zopakování učiva. Prezentace se skládá z přehledu daného učiva a ze cvičení.

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Presentation on theme: "ANOTACE: Anotace: Didaktický učební materiál je určen žákům středních škol k zopakování učiva. Prezentace se skládá z přehledu daného učiva a ze cvičení."— Presentation transcript:


2 ANOTACE: Anotace: Didaktický učební materiál je určen žákům středních škol k zopakování učiva. Prezentace se skládá z přehledu daného učiva a ze cvičení určených k upevnění materiálu. METODICKÝ POKYN: Očekávaný výstup: pravidla užívání přítomného času průběhového včetně výjimek, na základě znalosti pravidel schopnost doplnění jevu do textu a jeho užívání v mluvené řeči.


4 The present continuous: affirmative
Affirmative form: Subject + am/are/is + present participle (verb + ing ) I am watching TV at the moment. You are watching TV at the moment. He/she is watching TV at the moment. We are watching TV at the moment. They are watching TV at the moment.

Negative form: Am not/are not (aren´t)/is not (isn´t) + present participle (verb + ing) I am not playing football. You are not (aren´t) playing football. He/she is not (isn´t) playing football. We are not (aren´t) playing football. They are not (aren´t) playing football.

Question form: Am/are/is + subject + present participle (verb + ing) Am I writing a letter? Are you writing a letter? Is he/she writing a letter? Are we writing a letter? Are they writing a letter?

To speak about activities that are happening right now I am singing a song at he moment. What are you doing? Why are they laughing? We are just having lunch. You aren´t sitting in your place. Students are listening to teacher. What are you thinking about? The sun is shining.

To speak about activities that aren´t happening at the moment of speaking but they are happening about this time (today, this weekend, this year. It is a temporary activity. I am studying English at university this year. She is wearing a red skirt today. My brother is staying in Paris this weekend. I can´t go out today because I am helping my parents today.

To speak about definite actions or arrangements planned in the future John and I are playing squash this afternoon. I am waiting for you at the airport on Tuesday. Are you coming tommorow? We are going to the party tonight. They are having a meeting at 11 o´clock. John is flying to London next month. Are you finishing university this year?

10 PRACTISE - TRANSLATE O čem to mluvíš?
Zítra odpoledne jdu s kamarádkou do kina. Proč brečíš? Zítra jdeme k babičce na oběd. Bratr studuje biologii a dějepis. Rodiče koukají na televizi a já si čtu knížku. Hledám klíče. Kam jdeš? Nemůžu jít dnes večer s tebou. Dělám úkoly do školy.

11 Match the sentence beginnings with right ending
She is drinking When are you I am writing Why are they We are reading My neighbours are She is studying He is just preparing Why aren´t you Listening to me? Economy Always arguing Lunch Coming today? Laughing? An interesting book A complaint A glass of milk

12 MATCHING - SOLUTION She is drinking a glass of milk.
When are you coming today? I am writing a complaint. Why are they laughing? We are reading an interesting book. My neighbours are always arguing. She is studying economy. He is just preparing lunch. Why aren´t you listening to me?

13 Make whole sentences You – study – what – university?
Who – wait – you – for? Winter – come – soon You – do – what? Visit – my relatives – I – next month Prepare – lunch – just – mother You – what – at – look? London – you – arrive – when? Cinema – Monday – go - we Drive – fast- your father? You – complain – everything – about – why?

What university are you studying at? Who are you waiting for? Winter is coming soon. What are you doing? I am visiting my relatives next month. My mother is just preparing lunch. What are you looking at? When are you arriving to London? We are going to cinema on Monday. Is your father driving fast? Why are you complaining about everything?

15 Make questions from the sentences
I am learning English. My brother is listening to radio. We are having pizza for dinner. She is staying in Brno. They are looking for their books. Baby is crying. I am writing an essay. She is thinking about her life. He is waiting for his friend. I am chatting with my friends.

What are you learning? What is he listening to? What are they having for dinner? Where is she staying? What are they looking for? Why is baby crying? What are you writing? What is she thinking about? Who is he waiting for? Who are you chatting with?

17 RESOURCES Slide 3 – 16 Vlastní tvorba

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