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Genetic Engineering in Medicine, Professor Bob Goldberg

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1 Genetic Engineering in Medicine, Professor Bob Goldberg
HC70A Winter 2006 Genetic Engineering in Medicine, Agriculture, and Law Professor Bob Goldberg Class Announcements 2/23/06

2 Gene Discovery Laboratory Professor Bob Goldberg
HC70AL Spring 2006 Gene Discovery Laboratory Professor Bob Goldberg See Jessica For PTEs This Week There Will Be an Introductory Meeting Friday Next Week (time to be announced)

3 Tuesday Science & the Constitution Part II
Intellectual Property - Who Owns Your Genes?

4 Pick Up Articles at the End of Class
Discussion Next Week Cancer & Cancer Genes Pick Up Articles at the End of Class

5 Due Thursday, March 2 @ 3:30 PM
Take Home Exam Due Thursday, March 3:30 PM Oral Exam To Follow Questions?

6 Today Reception and Dinner For Dr. Michele Evans
Reception On Patio After Class For Everyone Napa Valley Grill For Those Scheduled (Melissa, Brian Yu, Daisy, Chris,& Bekah) Jessica Has Directions to Restaurant

7 Fertility, In Vitro Fertilization,
Michele Evans, MD Fertility, In Vitro Fertilization, & Genetic Testing

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