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Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis
Chapter 11

2 Insert Good Title Here….
Gametes Somatic Cells Germ Line Cells Zygote What does Meiosis do and Why is it important?

3 Sexual Life Cycles Algae and Fungi Most Animals
Some plants and some algae Figure 11.2

4 What Makes Meiosis Different from Mitosis?
Synapsis Crossing over and Recombination Separation during Anaphase 1 2 divisions with only 1 replication stage

5 Parts of Meiosis Prophase 1 Metaphase 1 Anaphase 1 Telophase 1
Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II

6 Prophase I DNA condenses and Chromosomes become visible
Synapsis Occurs Crossing Over Occurs Chiasmata

7 Metaphase 1 Homologous Chromosomes line up on Metaphase Plate
Microtubules attach to kinetochores of each homologue (but not individual chromatids)

8 Anaphase 1 Homologues are pulled apart…what about chromatids?
Independent Assortment

9 Telophase 1 Cells Complete Separation and nuclear envelope reforms
Cytokinesis may or may not occur

10 Prophase II Nuclear Envelope Breaks Down New Spindle Forms

11 Metaphase II Chromosomes Line up along Metaphase Plate
Microtubules attach to each sister chromatid

12 Anaphase II Sister Chromatids are pulled apart

13 Telophase II Nuclear Envelope Reforms Cytokinesis Follows

14 Problems with Meiosis Nondisjunction Aneuploid Gametes

15 Key Points of Meiosis 1. Pairing of homologues and crossing over that joins maternal and paternal homologues 2. Co-segregation of sister centromeres during anaphaseI due to maintenance of sister chromatid cohesion as sister centromeres 3. The attachment of sister kinetochores to the same pole in meiosis I and to opposite poles in mitosis 4. Suppression of replication between two meiotic divisions

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