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By Patrick Skene Catling

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1 By Patrick Skene Catling
3rd Grade Adventures MAUE April 30th - May 4th Reminders Please make sure your child returns ALL library books this week. May 11th- Jag Brag lunch for April and May students Water Day on May 14th May 16th MR. T day (please bring $1 donation) PBIS dance party and yearbook signing May 18th Field Day May 25th LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (60% day) Word Study Compound Words basketball nightmare cheeseburger afternoon countdown anything newspaper forever drugstore sometimes outside weekend everybody downtown birthday without upstairs everywhere inside railroad * Word Study test will be on FRIDAY * ** Study Island is ALWAYS a good practice tool for reading, language, and math. Language Skill: Review skills (nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs) Chocolate Research Reading/Vocabulary The Chocolate Touch By Patrick Skene Catling 1. hesitate- to stop briefly before you do something, especially because you are nervous about what to do sensible- having or showing good sense or judgment beckon- to make a gesture with the hand, arm, or head to encourage someone to come near or follow practical- serving an actual use or purpose; useful devour- to eat something quickly and hungrily cross- angry and not pleased spectacles- a pair of glasses reproach- to blame someone, or to show that you disapprove of something the person has said or done bristles- the long, wiry hairs used to make brushes protest- to object to something strongly and publicly Math and Science Math: Multiplying by 10’s and 100’s - Mixed Multiplication quiz on Friday Science: Landforms

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