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The Constitution Unit 2 Lesson 4

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1 The Constitution Unit 2 Lesson 4
The First Amendment The Constitution Unit 2 Lesson 4

2 The First Amendment The First Amendment is the most well known amendment, but it is often misunderstood 5 basic freedoms: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of assembly, freedom to petition the government James Madison, “father of the Constitution”

3 Freedom of Religion Many of the early colonists had come to America in search of religious freedom Establishment clause: US govt. can not establish an official religion Free exercise: Americans can practice their faith as they wish, limits?

4 Freedom of Speech In the US we speak our minds without fear of punishment by the government Speech includes the spoken word, Internet communication, art, music, and even clothing Limits? “clear and present danger” Slander

5 Freedom of the Press Americans are allowed to express themselves in print and through the media Media include newspapers, magazines, books, television, radio, movies, blogs Freedom of the press guarantees that people are given the opportunity to express a variety of viewpoints Government can not practice censorship Libel

6 Freedom of Assembly and Petition
Americans have the right to gather in groups for any peaceful reasons This includes meetings, parades, political rallies, and public celebrations Govt. may make rules about when and where activities can be help Freedom of Petition gives Americans the right to express one’s ideas to the government People can write or call govt. officials

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