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Bell Ringer What was trench warfare and how did it affect the progress of the Great War?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer What was trench warfare and how did it affect the progress of the Great War?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer What was trench warfare and how did it affect the progress of the Great War?

2 LEQ: Why will America join the Great War and what impact will it have?

3 Beginning of War US remained neutral Privately supported the allies
Isolationism- Not being involved in foreign affairs

4 Reasons to Enter the War
Germany started attacking all ships (unrestricted submarine warfare) Stop America from sending supplies to Britain

5 Reasons to Enter the War
Sinking of the Lusitania 128 Americans killed Outraged Americans

6 Now Let’s See It! (1:15)

7 Reasons to Enter the War
Germany agrees to the Sussex pledge Promise to not sink merchant vessels “without warning and without saving human lives” Germany does not keep pledge

8 Reasons to Enter the War
Zimmerman Note Secret message from German diplomat Arthur Zimmermann to officials in Mexico Proposed that Mexico attack US

9 Now Let’s See It! (4)

10 America at War

11 America Enters the War Selective Service Act
Required men between 21 and 30 to register for draft

12 (:50)

13 America Enters the War Discrimination
Segregated armies and training camps Soldiers of race were assigned menial tasks Harlem killers?

14 Americans in Europe Convoy system American Expeditionary Forces (AEF)
Army, National Guard, volunteer and draft soldiers

15 Americans in Europe Allies struggling
Russia experiencing famine and civil war Needed US troops to fight immediately

16 Americans in Europe Helped to dig trenches
US troops became a major factor in war Halted German advance Helped recapture lost land

17 The Economy at Home War Revenue Act of 1917
Established very high taxes to help pay for war Wealthy taxed up to 77%

18 The Economy at Home Borrowed money to pay for the war Liberty Bonds
US citizens buy them to help pay for war Form of loan to the American gov’t from the American people

19 Total War Required the use of ALL of society’s resources
Controlled lives of citizens

20 Total War Gov’t regulation of industry, fuel and food
War Industries Board Authority to regulate all war materials (steel, copper, rubber)

21 Total War National War Labor Board
Judged disputes between workers and management 8 hr workday Recognize unions Urged equal pay for women

22 Women and the War Women served in the army, navy and marines
Nurses, typists, bookkeepers, radio operators, electricians or telegraphers The US Army Signal Corps Hello Girls Kept communication open between the front lines

23 Women and the War Women worked in factories that had previously been dominated by men Transformed public views of what women could do

24 Now Let’s See It! (2:29)

25 Influenza 1918-1919 a severe flu epidemic broke out
Deadliest in US history Half of US troops in WWI died of influenza

26 Now Let’s See It! (1:48)

27 Public Opinion Propaganda
Posters, news stories, speeches and other materials to influence opinion Used to encourage war effort

28 Public Opinion Americans began to distrust German things
Stopped teaching German Stopped playing German music Discrimination against German Americans

29 Limiting Anti-War Speech
Espionage Act- Punished people for aiding the enemy or refusing military duty

30 Limiting Anti-War Speech
Sedition Act: Illegal for Americans to criticize the government, flag or military in speech or writing

31 Limiting Anti-War Speech
Schenck v. United States Printed leaflets opposing war Convicted of violating Espionage Act Argued 1st Amendment right Supreme Court upheld his conviction of limiting freedom of speech during war

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