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The ERA-CLIM2 Global Registry: a new metadatabase for historical data

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1 The ERA-CLIM2 Global Registry: a new metadatabase for historical data Maria Antónia Valente1 Thomas Cropper2 ( Pedro Gomes1 and Maria Clara Ventura1 1 Instituto Dom Luiz – FFCUL , Lisbon – Portugal; 2 University of Cardiff, UK ABSTRACT 2 At the moment the Registry also contains the ISPDv4 inventory and is in the process of incorporating other inventories, such as the ISTI and ACRE stations list. The main purpose is to include as many inventories of rescued or to be rescued data as possible in this Registry, in order to concentrate the metadata information, availability and state of DARE of the datasets in one place. For that we plan to couple this Registry with the I-DARE portal ( , which lists the current DARE initiatives taking place around the Globe. Potential data rescuers can therefore use the combined portals to avoid Duplication of efforts. The Registry is online at and is maintained and developed by FFCUL/IDL, Faculty of Science, Lisbon, Portugal. ABSTRACT 1 The ERA-CLIM2 Global Registry contains the metadata details of the historical in situ land surface, upper air and marine datasets rescued in the ongoing FP7 project ERA-CLIM2 ( ), whose ultimate goal is to construct the ECMWF 20th century reanalyses. The Registry includes information on the type of ECVs, time frequency, rescue progress, Quality Control and homogenization stages, as well as the source and contact to obtain the data. Several crossed choices can be performed, such as by country, period, type of ECV, (lat, lon) window and obtain a list of corresponding stations or entries. It is also possible to geographically plot the selected entries. ABSTRACT 3 The C3S can highly benefit from having a centralized place where the information on the in-situ historical data is contained, as a support service for the reanalyses and for climate change studies. The assimilation of in-situ data is the basis for the reanalysis years before the satellite era and long term climate studies are only possible if century –long data series can be used. Knowledge of the potential availability of past data can influence the plans for future reanalyses. 2 - ERA-CLIM2 Global Registry - Surface Data Inventory ERA-CLIM2 Global Registry Home Page ECVs DARE stages Login page Chosing the Global Map of Upper Air or Surface stations leads to the option of plotting all stations or zoomming on a particular (lat,lon) region Clicking on the altitude of each station will show a map with the station’s location Searches for Station name, Country, Original Archive and WMO ID are available, including crossed searches. Implementation of searches for chosen periods with data is work in progress. Exporting data lists and plotting the chosen stations on software constructed maps is being implemented at the moment. Clicking on the altitude of each station will show a map with the station’s location (e.g. Campoformido in Italy where pilot balloon data from a public source for 01/01/1926 to 31/05/1926 has been digitised) Upper air data being rescued, digitised and formatted in ERA-CLIM and ERA-CLIM2 by all partners (clicking on Global Map of Upper Air Stations) Surface data being rescued, digitised and formatted by FFCUL in ERA-CLIM and ERA-CLIM (clicking on Global Map of Surface Stations) The current situation of the data processing is signalled on the inventories by 6 levels: 0 – data in hardcopy ; 1 –imaging completed; 2 – digitised raw data format; 3 – basic QC applied; 4 – Compreensive QC applied and formatted data; 5 – Homogenised data. The reference for the ERA-CLIM DARE work is: A. Stickler, S. Brönnimann, M. A. Valente, J. Bethke, A. Sterin, S. Jourdain, E. Roucaute, M. V. Vasquez, D. A. Reyes, R. Allan, and D. Dee, 2014: ERA-CLIM: Historical Surface and Upper-Air Data for Future Reanalyses. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95, 1419–1430. doi:  All this work is being performed under the Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth initiative (ACRE). ERA-CLIM2 is a EU funded FP7/Space project - Contract Nr The ISPDv4 inventories (with 80K+ entries) have been uploaded into the ERA-CLIM registry The ERA-CLIM Global Registry will assimilate the metadatabases of several regional DARE initiatives (MEDARE, IEDRO, NMServices) through ACRE and also those of Global databases GPCC, ICA&D, ISTI, updates of ISPD, CHUAN, IGRA, etc. It will be possible to edit individual records, add new station entries or new inventories (under site administration supervision). Editing will only be allowed to registered users. The site is being built using html, php and Javascript languages. A javascript package (dhtmlxGrids) has been used to construct the editable inventory tables. Currently the metadatabase is migrating to SQL, due to the large number of entries (over 100K).

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