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Superspreaders Ferriell Henry.

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1 Superspreaders Ferriell Henry

2 Superspreader: a person who infects disproportionally more secondary contacts than others infected with the same virus or bacteria. 20/80 Rule: 20% of infected individuals within a population are thought to be responsible for 80% of transmission capable by the pathogen. About 10% of those infected will become new superspreaders.

3 How to become a superspreader?
> Experiment on mice done by Lass et al. >Said that super-spreading might occur by someone who is co-infected with multiple parasites. >Checked to see if mice co-infected with a microparasite (respiratory bacterium Bordetella bronchiseptica) and macroparsite (gastrointestinal helminth Heligmosomoides polygyrus) created superspreaders. >Found that the treatment groups had half the bacterial load and egg output produced than the experimental group.

4 Becoming a superspreader continued...
>Decreased immunity = greater load of infection >Individuals infected with many parasites who can infect multiple different hosts = central individuals >Zoonotic diseases >Infection by viruses with high mutation rate, like RNA viruses

5 Is thought to be a superspreader of typhoid fever
Typhoid Mary Is thought to be a superspreader of typhoid fever >Infected 50+ people over 7 year span while being asymptomatic herself. > Was she infected with a helminth parasite at the same time? >Her normal flora may have kept her asymptomatic, promoting superspreader activity.

6 Common diseases with epidemiology that require superspreaders
>HIV >SARS >measles >malaria >smallpox >pneumonic plague >TB >Staphylococcus aureus >typhoid fever

7 West Nile Virus >Zoonotic disease >Central individual = Mosquito
> Mosquito infects many species with West Nile Virus

8 A Change in Immune State
>Experiment by Gopinath et. al. with mice >Superspreaders shown to have a similar gene expression to those of newly infected individuals. >T cell expression is decreased while neutrophil expression is increased. Antibodies are not being made but the pathogen load is controlled by the neutrophils.

9 Schistosomiasis >According to Rollinson et al.
>Large percentage of Schistosomiasis spread by “superspreaders” -superspreader = someone who infects a disproportionate amount of people due to lack of cleanliness and being unreceptive to health education and treatment. -Cambodia given annual treatments for past 8 years to treat for S. mekongi with coverage between 62% and 86%. - Yet still cannot get control of disease. - Children getting treatment but about 40% do not attend school. - The relatively few people infected with immense amounts of schistosome parasites, seem to keep infecting/reinfecting their communities very quickly and in large amounts.

10 How to Prevent the occurrence of superspreaders
>Prevention of zoonotic diseases >If it is a co-infection, try and locate/remove helminth >Find a way to increase production of T cells

11 Sources
Gomez, J. M., et al. (2013). “Centrality in primate-parasite networks reveals the potential for the transmission of emerging infectious diseases to humans”. PNAS Early Edition. (1-4). Gopinath, S., et al. (2013). The Systemic Immune State of Super-shedder Mice Is Characterized by a Unique Neutrophil-dependent Blunting of TH1 Responses. PLOS. DOI: /journal.ppat

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