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Unit 8: World War II 3.1.18.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 8: World War II 3.1.18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 8: World War II 3.1.18

2 Hitler’s 2-Part Plan Expand Germany Expel “undesirables”

3 The Holocaust Biographies of a real-life Holocaust victim.
These are copies of the cards you receive when you visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in D.C. Please read the card silently.

4 Raise your hand if… Your person was from Germany Austria Poland
Czechoslovakia Hungary Other Your person was a child Your person was Jewish Raise your hand if you think your person survived. Why? Raise your hand if you think your person died. Why?

5 Holocaust Victims Please take a moment to open the folded part of your bio and read what happened to your person. As we learn about the Holocaust, please keep your person in mind.

6 Terms to Know Genocide (n): the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. Bystander (n): a person present but not involved; chance spectator; onlooker.

7 Road to the Holocaust For events, take notes on:
Who was involved What happened Where did it take place When did it happen Why did it happen For methods used, take notes on: What was it When did it start

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