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Mass Migration to Canada from the British Isles

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1 Mass Migration to Canada from the British Isles 1815-1850
The Great Migration Mass Migration to Canada from the British Isles

2 Why? (Push Factors) Napoleonic Wars Ended in Europe
Soldiers were coming home Post War Baby Boom! Industrial Advances (Industrial Revolution) = longer life expectancies Due to a mass amount of people coming home, jobs were hard to find All of these factors lead to overcrowding in cities and high unemployment rates in Europe.

3 Why? (cont) The Industrial Revolution
The shift from a self-sufficient lifestyle, to a mass production, factory lifestyle. First occurred in Western Europe in the early 1800’s. After Before

4 Who? Scottish Farmers were forced off of their lands by “enclosures” (large farms) and evictions. Known as the “Scottish Clearances”. They were being forced off of their land to make room for large scale Sheep (wool) farms due to the Industrial Revolution.- large scale manufacturing.

5 Irish Potato Famine The Irish Potato Famine caused many Irish to immigrate in the 1840’s. Crops failed two years in a row! Famine swept the country side.

6 The Pull Factor: The British Gov’t Solution
Immigration to BNA was heavily promoted by the Gov’t With the creation of Upper and Lower Canada in 1791, there was a desire to push the colony further West, and to make the French a minority within the colony. By accepting English speaking ppl, both objectives would be achieved. The French had concerns and saw this as a direct effect to their culture/status within the colony of BNA. ‘Sell the idea of moving to BNA as a new exciting life opportunity’ Let them settle Canada’s backwoods

7 Why? (Pull Factors) British North America (BNA) was a British colony with British traditions and language. Aid was given by the Gov’t Indentured servant possibilities Cheap land

8 Voyage Over Horrible The ships were often called “Coffin Ships”
Sickness was common, typhus, cholera… Many arrived destitute and ill.

9 Problems faced Winters were particularly harsh as industry jobs were fewer in the winter Discrimination (especially towards the Irish) Cholera and other diseases

10 How many? It is estimated that between 1815 and 1855, over a MILLION people had emigrated from the British Isles into the colony… However, between it’s estimated that half of the newcomers were traveling to the USA and not Canada. In New Brunswick, at times, 100% of the healthy male immigrants crossed the border to the USA Of those who did stay in BNA, many traveled inland in search of farmland = Kingston, Ont.

11 Scared Canadiens…. Many Canadiens did not welcome this new influx of English speaking immigrants….Why?? French Canadiens feared that the influx of British settlers would threaten their position in the colony. If English people became the majority, what would happen to their French language rights etc that they received in the Quebec Act of 1774??? One response in Lower Canada was a social policy called “The Revenge of the Cradle” by which French-Canadiens were encouraged to raise large families to keep their population growing.

12 The Famine Year: 1847 Irish immigrants carried diseases with them on the ships Ultimately, Irish immigrants died. Others carried the disease out into the colony

13 Why is this important? … Vast areas of British North America were opened up to settlement Thriving towns appeared New industries were started The immigration from , affirmed the British character of the colonies outside of Quebec

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