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SCIENCE UNIT #3 Pulleys and Gears

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Presentation on theme: "SCIENCE UNIT #3 Pulleys and Gears"— Presentation transcript:

1 SCIENCE UNIT #3 Pulleys and Gears

2 Can I…. describe the purpose of pulley systems and gear systems?
describe how one type of motion can be transformed into another type of motion? describe how gears operate in one plane and in two planes?

3 Can I…. tell the difference between pulley systems and gear systems that increase force and those that increase speed? identify pulley and gear systems that are used in daily life? assess the impact of pulley and gear systems on our daily lives?

4 Can I…. assess the environmental impact of using different machines with pulleys and gears? use my problem-solving skills to design, build, and test a pulley or gear system that performs a specific task?

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