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Art II, Art III, Art III Pre-AP, Art IV, Art IV AP

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Presentation on theme: "Art II, Art III, Art III Pre-AP, Art IV, Art IV AP"— Presentation transcript:

1 Art II, Art III, Art III Pre-AP, Art IV, Art IV AP
Advanced Art Art II, Art III, Art III Pre-AP, Art IV, Art IV AP Ms. Alderfer’s Class LCHS

2 Advanced Drawing Mastery of the Elements (*realism) RODEO SUBMISSIONS

3 Materials Sketchbook (8” x 10”/8” x 11”)
Charcoals (soft vine, set of 3+ Compressed charcoals - 3 ) General’s Semi-Hex Classic Graphite Drawing Pencil Set ( 6.html) White charcoals (set of 3) 2 black sharpies – 1 fine, 1 ultra fine Supply bag (Can even use a gallon ziplock)

4 Expectations Prepared Respectful (Punctual, T.H.I.N.K., etc) Focused
Participate Stay in Your Lane

5 Procedures Warm-up in Sketchbook (or sheet of paper for Week 1)
Material Pick-Up Raise Hand to Move About the Cabin Tutorials – Contact Me (ask AFTER class or me) Restroom – No-go 1st/Last 10 minutes Absent – copy warm-up from trusted neighbor upon return Phone Usage – Docking Station/Shady Zone End of Class – Exit Tickets/Clean-up Allotment

6 Consequences Warning Student Conference Phone Home
Parent-Teacher Conference Referral * If the offense is severe enough, I reserve the right to skip any of the earlier steps in favor of the most appropriate consequence, proportional to the problem at hand.

7 Rewards House Cup - Pizza or Breakfast?
Perfect Attendance + Participating = Extra Credit Music Privileges

8 Future Courses AP Art History* Art II/III Painting
Art & Media Communications

9 MEET & GREET 101

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