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Region Training Conference 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Region Training Conference 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Region Training Conference 2018
Graphic Standards Region Training Conference 2018 Name, Position

2 WHEN do we use Graphic Standards?
WHY do we use Graphic Standards? Branding Allows work to easily be identified with Key Club Provides a consistent image to Key Club Maintains a professional image WHEN do we use Graphic Standards? Meeting agendas Newsletters/Publications Recognition Advertisements Professional Documents Training/Meeting PowerPoints Just about all things CNH, graphic standards is the way!

3 Using Key Club logos The Basics
Must be placed on a neutral color background Maintain the original shape; logos should never be distorted CNH District Map Logo should not be next to KCI Logo

4 CNH Word Art CNH | KEY CLUB The “CNH” must be bolded
Word art must be expanded by 6pt. or 18% at a 36 pt. size MUST be placed at the top right of the document, aligned the end of the “B” of “CLUB” with the start of the pencil's tip. CNH | KEY CLUB

5 Fonts Don’t have access to one of these fonts or want try out others?
You can download fonts from here!*** * = may require purchase

6 Fonts Fonts like Century Gothic, Verdana, or Goudy Old Style would be used for more official Key Club publications or document such as: Meeting Agendas Club/Division Newsletter Fonts like walk around the block will be used for titles of articles, attention grabbing details, or for divisons! NOTE: You are required to use graphic standards if you are promoting the District.

7 Using the Pencil Full width of the document
ONLY text can overlay the pencil. Must be facing right Multiple pencils cannot be on top of each other The pencil can only placed on the top of the page The pencil must be horizontal The pencil must be on, but are not limited to, the first page of all Key Club documents which Does not include graphics, info graphics, and media

8 Standard Pencil VS Scribble Pencil
Standard Pencil should be used on Club/Division newsletters, agendas, meeting/training PowerPoints, or any official KC publications. Scribble Pencil could be used on advertisements, meeting agendas, any unofficial Key Club documents.

9 Using the pencil

10 Using the pencil

11 ? ? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Go for it!

12 Acknowledgements The CNH Key Club District would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have contributed to this presentation over the years. Tina Bui, Graphics Department Coordinator, Raymond Guan, Graphics Department Team Member, Member Relations Committee, Gaby Yonarta, Graphics Department Coordinator, Trinity Tran Nguyen, Graphics Department Coordinator, Nathaniel Banlusak, Communications and Marketing Committee Chair,

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