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The UpSkilling Playbook

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Presentation on theme: "The UpSkilling Playbook"— Presentation transcript:

1 The UpSkilling Playbook
Learning 2017

2 UpSkilling Playbook Be sure to check out the UpSkilling Playbook for Employers, made possible through a grant from the Walmart Foundation Available at

3 UpSkilling Playbook Five Reasons You Should Care About Upskilling
Models of Upskilling Upskilling Done Right Is Upskilling Right for Your Company? Choosing the Right Program for Your Needs Planning for Success Maintaining Success Additional Resources

4 UpSkill America What we can learn from companies at all stages of upskilling program implementation How to choose the right upskilling approach for your company Ways to plan for and maintain success

5 UpSkill America How are your company’s upskilling efforts going? What’s working? What isn’t? In what ways would you like to improve your upskilling efforts? Which resources/tools have been helpful in your upskilling efforts? What additional tools do you need? How do you determine if an upskilling program is right for your company? How can you ensure the long-term success of your programs?

6 How to join the UpSkill America Movement
Go to and sign up Give me a business card You will receive… Information on upskilling policies and practices Access to upskilling research, reports and resources Invitations to select upskilling events

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