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How to Manage Diverse Personalities featuring Tom Hopkins

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Presentation on theme: "How to Manage Diverse Personalities featuring Tom Hopkins"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Manage Diverse Personalities featuring Tom Hopkins
“There is a great person who makes every person feel small. But the really great person is the one who makes every person feel great. ” - Chinese Proverb

2 Why This Subject Is Important
Everyone has different personality traits and different strengths. Our success as managers is tied to how well we build productive teams of diverse people.

3 Success Stories Previous topics included:
- Goal Setting - Customer Service - Personal Growth - Leadership Share how you successfully used an idea from a previous topic.

4 Peculiarities Facilitator or designee will read a list of peculiarities. If any of the statements are true about you, come forward to receive a prize.

5 Session Agenda Session Presentation Individual and Group Exercises
Session Learning Goals / Meeting Opener Session Presentation Individual and Group Exercises Review Learning Goals / Closing Remarks Personal Action Plan / Session Evaluation

6 Session Learning Goals
Understand that as a manager, you are in the people business. Realize that the success of an individual begins with their self-image. Identify the 4 categories of employees within your company. Recognize and manage the 8 personality types. In this session, you will learn to:

7 Meeting Opener See the bottom of page 1.
Write down 4-5 management traits that you really like about yourself. Share your traits with your partner.

8 Key Ideas and Application
Write down the important idea(s) from the presentation and how to apply them to your company or team. Share your idea(s) with your group.

9 Group Discussion: Key Ideas/Application

10 Which of Your People Are…?
See the top of page 5. Chronic Underachievers Champions Stable Majority Marginals In groups, discuss the exercise questions.

11 What Would You Do? See pages 5 - 6.
In groups, discuss or role-play how you would coach the employees in each story.

12 Match the Personality Match the personality type to the corresponding statement. Discuss your answers in small groups.

13 Positive Feedback See the bottom of page 7
Work with your partner from the Meeting Opener. Write down 4-5 positive traits that you observed about him/her during this session. Give each other the feedback.

14 Personal Action Plan Based on today’s session:
What will you START doing? What will you STOP doing? What will you CONTINUE to do?

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