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ASV Chapters 1 - Sample Spaces and Probabilities

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Presentation on theme: "ASV Chapters 1 - Sample Spaces and Probabilities"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASV Chapters 1 - Sample Spaces and Probabilities
2 - Conditional Probability and Independence 3 - Random Variables 4 - Approximations of the Binomial Distribution 5 - Transforms and Transformations 6 - Joint Distribution of Random Variables 7 - Sums and Symmetry 8 - Expectation and Variance in the Multivariate Setting 9 - Tail Bounds and Limit Theorems 10 - Conditional Distribution 11 - Appendix A, B, C, D, E, F

2 Random Variable X, with pmf p(x) or pdf f(x)
POPULATION Random Variable X, with pmf p(x) or pdf f(x) Recall… REVIEW POWERPOINT SECTION “ ” FOR BASIC PROPERTIES OF EXPECTED VALUE PARAMETERS “population characteristics” Mean: Consider a transformation to a new random variable g(X). Then… Example:

3 Random Variable X, with pmf p(x) or pdf f(x)
POPULATION Random Variable X, with pmf p(x) or pdf f(x) Recall… REVIEW POWERPOINT SECTION “ ” FOR BASIC PROPERTIES OF EXPECTED VALUE PARAMETERS “population characteristics” Mean: Variance: Proof: See PowerPoint section , slides 56, 57 for discrete X.

4 Random Variables X and Y, with joint pmf p(x, y) or pdf f(x, y)
POPULATION Random Variables X and Y, with joint pmf p(x, y) or pdf f(x, y) Let g(X, Y) be a real-valued function of X and Y, i.e., Then….

5 Random Variables X and Y, with joint pmf p(x, y) or pdf f(x, y)
POPULATION Random Variables X and Y, with joint pmf p(x, y) or pdf f(x, y) Let g(X, Y) be a real-valued function of X and Y, i.e., Then…. Example: Find the mean distance from any random point inside a circle of fixed radius a > 0 to its center. Assume that points (X, Y) are uniformly distributed. ..

6 Random Variables X and Y, with joint pmf p(x, y) or pdf f(x, y)
POPULATION Random Variables X and Y, with joint pmf p(x, y) or pdf f(x, y) Let g(X, Y) be a real-valued function of X and Y, i.e., Then…. Example: Find the mean distance from any random point inside a circle of fixed radius a > 0 to its center. Assume that points (X, Y) are uniformly distributed. ..

7 Random Variables X and Y, with joint pmf p(x, y) or pdf f(x, y)
POPULATION Random Variables X and Y, with joint pmf p(x, y) or pdf f(x, y) Let g(X, Y) be a real-valued function of X and Y, i.e., Then…. Example: Find the mean distance from any random point inside a circle of fixed radius a > 0 to its center. Assume that points (X, Y) are uniformly distributed. ..

8 Random Variables X and Y, with joint pmf p(x, y) or pdf f(x, y)
POPULATION Random Variables X and Y, with joint pmf p(x, y) or pdf f(x, y) Let g(X, Y) be a real-valued function of X and Y, i.e., Then…. Example: Find the mean distance from any random point inside a circle of fixed radius a > 0 to its center. Assume that points (X, Y) are uniformly distributed. ..

9 # This segment constructs a graph of the unit circle. f1 = function(x)(sqrt(1-x^2)) f2 = function(x)(-1*f1(x)) plot(f1, xlim=range(-1,1), ylim=range(-1,1)) curve(f2, add = T) # This segment simulates N uniformly distributed points in the # unit disk, and computes their average distance to its center. N = 1000 counter = 0 dist = NULL while(counter < N) { x = runif(1, -1, 1) y = runif(1, -1, 1) z = sqrt(x^2 + y^2) if (z < 1) { dist = c(dist, z) counter = counter + 1 points(x, y, pch=19, cex=0.5)} } mean(dist) [1]

10 Random Variables X and Y, with joint pmf p(x, y) or pdf f(x, y)
POPULATION Random Variables X and Y, with joint pmf p(x, y) or pdf f(x, y) Let g(X, Y) be a real-valued function of X and Y, i.e., Then…. Extension to multiple random variables X1, X2, X3,…, Xn

11 Random Variables X and Y, with joint pmf p(x, y) or pdf f(x, y)
POPULATION Random Variables X and Y, with joint pmf p(x, y) or pdf f(x, y) If X and Y are independent, then… Proof: Exercise (next section…)

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