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Privity & networks / chains of contracts: a continental perspective

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1 Privity & networks / chains of contracts: a continental perspective
Matthias E. Storme Full professor KU Leuven, Institute for commercial and insolvency law PEPP Leuven 19 March 2018

2 Topics I. Effect of other contracts on (internal) liability between contracting partners II. Third persons as parties to a contractual obligation: which rights and under which conditions ? III. Rights linked to obligations ? + New or additional debtors IV. Effects in Tort law

3 I. Effect of other contracts on (internal) liability between contracting partners
Liability in case of performance entrusted to another a) General rule b) Quid treatment of contracts concluded separately with different parties, but one party facilitates or organizes the conclusion of the other contract. > Linking the fate of contracts suspensive or resolutory conditions; ex lege in case of linked consumer credit agreement; > Making an intermediary liable Eg possible liability of online platforms; see also undisclosed agency c) Subcontractor/supplier imposed by client/buyer d) Problems or recourse

4 I. Effect of other contracts on (internal) liability between contracting partners
2. Undisclosed agency: civil law stricter than common law ECJ 9 Nov 2016 Wathelet 3. Information/advertising by earlier links in the supply chain II-9:102 DCFR 4. Claiming damage suffered by 3r parties

5 II. Third persons as parties to a contractual obligation: which rights and under which conditions ?
1. General approach - What privity means and what it doesn’t > Contract, active side > Contract, passive side > Contractual relationship (rights) - General rule on defenses

6 (Direct) Representation
Yellow = defenses can be invoked in the resulting relationship

7 Stipulation for 3rd party

8 Assignment

9 Appropriation by principal

10 Pers. subrogation (by surety)

11 Real subrogation (eg ROT)

12 Pledging a claim

13 II. Third persons as parties to a contractual obligation: which rights and under which conditions ?
2. Direct actions. Basically 3 types: Qualitative rights (running with ownership) Statutory security rights Statutory suretyship (liability insurers)

14 II. Third persons as parties to a contractual obligation: which rights and under which conditions ?
2. Direct actions. Basically 3 types: Qualitative rights (running with ownership) Statutory security rights Statutory suretyship (liability insurers)

15 Qualitative rights

16 Direct action of subcontractor

17 Direct action as suretyship

18 III. Rights linked to obligations ?
General rule on defenses, supra Some cases where obtaining rights requires performing corresponding obligations > some benefits only in case of transfer of contract > qualitative obligations (EU) Law on forum clauses v. arbitration caluses

19 Suretyship s.s.

20 Accessory delegation

21 Payment instr: accepted b/e

22 Transfer of money

23 Documentary credit

24 First demand guarantee

25 IV. Chains/networks; effects in tort law
Liability for others Third party damages Immunities Protection of freedom of press Immunity of employees Internet providers etc. Subcontractors (non-cumul ?)

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