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MMD 2018 Summit St. Louis Union Station

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1 MMD 2018 Summit St. Louis Union Station
Wed, Afternoon Session

2 District Sharing, Mound City
□ 1:00p Intro □ 1:05p Communication □ 1:25p Leadership & Systems □ 1:45p Alignment □ 2:25p Commitment □ 2:45p Performance/ Outcomes □ 4:00p Closure & Evening Info Wed @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat Performance/Outcomes, Mound City District Sharing, Mound City

3 District Sharing, Mound City
□ 1:00p Intro □ 1:05p Communication □ 1:25p Leadership & Systems □ 1:45p Alignment □ 2:25p Commitment □ 2:45p Performance/ Outcomes □ 4:00p Closure & Evening Info Wed @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat District Sharing, Mound City

4 District Sharing, Mound City
□ 1:00p Intro □ 1:05p Communication □ 1:25p Leadership & Systems □ 1:45p Alignment □ 2:25p Commitment □ 2:45p Performance/ Outcomes □ 4:00p Closure & Evening Info Wed @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat District Sharing, Mound City

5 District Sharing, Mound City
□ 1:00p Intro □ 1:05p Communication □ 1:25p Leadership & Systems □ 1:45p Alignment □ 2:25p Commitment □ 2:45p Performance/ Outcomes □ 4:00p Closure & Evening Info Wed @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat Who are we? Mound City R-2 is a district of approximately 300 students in grades PK-12 located in northwest Missouri. Our school has received training and implemented Collaborative Work, Positive Behavior Supports, Data Based Decision Making, using Common Formative Assessments, Assessment Capable Learner strategies, Metacognition, and School-Based Implementation Coaching. We began our journey with MMD with the vision of having all of the staff throughout our building work together with the same focus on professional development. Previously our three buildings were not all focused on the same pedagogy, which did not allow all of our staff to be on the same page in regards to PD. District Sharing, Mound City

6 District Sharing, Mound City
□ 1:00p Intro □ 1:05p Communication □ 1:25p Leadership & Systems □ 1:45p Alignment □ 2:25p Commitment □ 2:45p Performance/ Outcomes □ 4:00p Closure & Evening Info Wed @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat What was in place? Our high school teachers had joined a Collaborative Network of ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies teachers across northwest Missouri who worked collaboratively to create CFAs to use in their classrooms. In-service days were used to discuss instructional strategies used in the classroom and analyze data from the CFAs. Our elementary and middle school had been using CFAs, vertical teams, and data based decision making on a routine basis for many years. We looked at student (academic and holistic) to determine how to best meet the individual needs of students. Most recently we had received training in Assessment Capable Learner strategies and Metacognition in order to foster more student ownership and accountability for their learning. District Sharing, Mound City

7 District Sharing, Mound City
□ 1:00p Intro □ 1:05p Communication □ 1:25p Leadership & Systems □ 1:45p Alignment □ 2:25p Commitment □ 2:45p Performance/ Outcomes □ 4:00p Closure & Evening Info Wed @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat What did the data tell us? After completing the Self Assessment Practice Profile and the Collaborative Work Implementation Survey, we looked at the data with our Coaching Support Team and District Leadership Team and found areas of weakness and/or areas that were defined. The following areas scored low and therefore became areas of focus: Teacher Feedback Instruction: 50% Student to Student Feedback: 25% Students Review CFA: 67% Our DLT discussed the importance of teacher modeling and chose to focus on Teacher Feedback Instruction District Sharing, Mound City

8 District Sharing, Mound City
□ 1:00p Intro □ 1:05p Communication □ 1:25p Leadership & Systems □ 1:45p Alignment □ 2:25p Commitment □ 2:45p Performance/ Outcomes □ 4:00p Closure & Evening Info Wed @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat What steps did we take in ? We made a strategic plan to get all staff members all on the same page with professional development. Some of our new staff members had not received some of the previous training our other staff members had received and our high school staff received additional training that our elementary and middle school had previously received. All staff were shown how to use the Virtual Learning Platform and administration will use the VLP in the future to train incoming staff. Devised a schedule to allow time for all core staff members to observe other teachers who taught the same core subject and/or the grade above/below them. District Sharing, Mound City

9 District Sharing, Mound City
□ 1:00p Intro □ 1:05p Communication □ 1:25p Leadership & Systems □ 1:45p Alignment □ 2:25p Commitment □ 2:45p Performance/ Outcomes □ 4:00p Closure & Evening Info Wed @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat What were the results? After all staff throughout our district had received the same training, collaboration and conversations were able to go much deeper with everyone using the same vocabulary and pedagogy. This training united the professional learning environment in our building. Our staff developed Goal Growth Plans with partnering teachers to develop a plan for individual professional development growth and accountability. Using the Virtual Learning Platform, administration is able to plan for specific or whole group professional development for staff. After observing and giving feedback, staff members were able to have conversations and share resources in a vertical format throughout our district. This strengthened the collaboration among our teachers and deepened the impact that collaboration will have on the classroom environment. District Sharing, Mound City

10 District Sharing, Mound City
□ 1:00p Intro □ 1:05p Communication □ 1:25p Leadership & Systems □ 1:45p Alignment □ 2:25p Commitment □ 2:45p Performance/ Outcomes □ 4:00p Closure & Evening Info Wed @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat What is our vision moving forward? Continue School-based Implementation Coaching through teacher observations and feedback. Modify current CFA’s to meet new expectations. Continued use of Assessment Capable Learner Strategies along with Vertical Teaming and Collaborative Networking. District Leadership will use Self Assessment Practice Profile and Collaborative Work Implementation Survey to establish and adjust District Wide Professional Development Goals. District Sharing, Mound City

11 District Sharing, Mound City
□ 1:00p Intro □ 1:05p Communication □ 1:25p Leadership & Systems □ 1:45p Alignment □ 2:25p Commitment □ 2:45p Performance/ Outcomes □ 4:00p Closure & Evening Info Wed @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat “The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other. Without collaboration our growth is limited to our own perspectives.” Robert John Meehan District Sharing, Mound City

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