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Published byPaulina Ruffins Modified over 10 years ago
AdvancED District Accreditation Standards Assessment Report
February 2 – 5, 2014 FAYETTE COUNTY SCHOOLS “Every Student a Graduate - Every Graduate Prepared”
Fayette County Team Leaders
Executive Summary: Mrs. Julie Chaffin & Mr. Vic Herren Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic: Mrs. Mary Raines & Mr. Vic Herren Student Performance Diagnostic: Mrs. Mary Gravlee Hospitality: Mrs. Amy Tucker Standards: 1. Purpose & Direction: Mr. Vic Herren 2. Governance and Leadership: Dr. Rene Nichols & Mr. Wade Shipman 3. Teaching & Assessing for Learning: Dr. Holly Morgan 4. Resources and Support Systems : Mrs. Mary Raines 5. Using Results for Continuous Improvement: Mrs. Mary Gravlee 2
Standard 1: Purpose & Direction
Overall Rating: 3.0 The system maintains and communicates at all levels of the organization a purpose and direction for continuous improvement that commit to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning.
Standard 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
INDICATORS: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 1.1 The system engages in a systematic, inclusive, and comprehensive process to review, revise, and communicate a system-wide purpose for student success. X 1.2 The system ensures that each school engages in a systematic, inclusive, and comprehensive process to review, revise, and communicate a school purpose for student success. 1.3 The school leadership and staff at all levels of the system commit to a culture that is based on shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include achievement of learning, thinking, and life skills. 1.4 Leadership at all levels of the system implement a continuous improvement process that provides clear direction for improving conditions that support student learning.
Standard 1 Overview 1.1 System-wide purpose
Stakeholder Survey Results Reviewed previous Motto, Mission, and Belief Statements Created new Motto – Alabama Plan 2020 Communications - Website 1.2 School-Level Purpose for Student Success Survey Results School Purpose Statements
Standard 1 Overview 1.3 Culture based on shared values and beliefs
ACIPS Professional Development Strategic Plan 1.4 Continuous Improvement Process Development and Implementation Review and Reflection
Standard 2: Governance & Leadership
Overall Rating: 3.17 The system operates under governance and leadership that promote and support student performance and system effectiveness.
Standard 2 INDICATORS: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 2.1
The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective administration of the system and its schools. X 2.2 The governing body operates responsibly and functions effectively. 2.3 The governing body ensures that the leadership at all levels has the autonomy to meet goals for achievement and instruction and to manage day-to-day operations effectively. 2.4 Leadership and staff at all levels of the system foster a culture consistent with the system's purpose and direction. 2.5 Leadership engages stakeholders effectively in support of the system's purpose and direction. 2.6 Leadership and staff supervision and evaluation processes result in improved professional practice in all areas of the system and improved student success.
Standard 2 - Overview 2.1 Establishment of Policies and Procedures
Fayette County Board of Education School Board Policies Manual Student Handbooks (folders) Staff Handbooks 2.2 Governing Body Operations Board Member Training (ASBA) Code of Ethics Training SDE Compliance Monitoring January 21-24
Standard 2 - Overview 2.3 Governing Body Leadership
Strategic Plan – Community Stakeholder Meeting Roles and Responsibilities – Central Office and Schools Professional Development Plan – CCRS 2.4 Leaders and Staff – Continuous Improvement ACIP Administrative – PLC – Leaders of Learning: How District, School and Classroom Leaders Improve Student Achievement
Standard 2 - Overview 2.5 Communication with Stakeholders
School Level - Community and Parent Involvement Meetings – 21st Century, CTE LEA Level – Community, Advisory, Media (Website), SchoolCast 2.6 Evaluation Processes for Improved Student Success Administrators – LEAD (Val-Ed Component); EducateAlabama Teacher – EducateAlabama Support – Bi-Annual Checklist
Standard 3: Teaching & Assessing for Learning
Overall Rating: 2.75 The system's curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning across all grades and courses.
Standard 3 INDICATORS: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 3.1
The system's curriculum provides equitable and challenging learning experiences that ensure all students have sufficient opportunities to develop learning, thinking, and life skills that lead to success at the next level X 3.2 Curriculum, instruction, and assessment throughout the system are monitored and adjusted systematically in response to data from multiple assessments of student learning and an examination of professional practice. 3.3 Teachers throughout the district engage students in their learning through instructional strategies that ensure achievement of earning expectations. 3.4 System and school leaders monitor and support the improvement of instructional practices of teachers to ensure student success. 3.5 The system operates as a collaborative learning organization through structures that support improved instruction and student learning at all levels. 3.6 Teachers implement the system's instructional process in support of student learning.
Standard 3 INDICATORS: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 3.7
Mentoring, coaching, and induction programs support instructional improvement consistent with the system's values and beliefs about teaching and learning. X 3.8 The system and all of its schools engage families in meaningful ways in their children's education and keep them informed of their children's learning progress. 3.9 The system designs and evaluates structures in all schools whereby each student is well known by at least one adult advocate in the student's school who supports that student's educational experience. 3.10 Grading and reporting are based on clearly defined criteria that represent the attainment of content knowledge and skills and are consistent across grade levels and courses. 3.11 All staff members participate in a continuous program of professional learning. 3.12 The system and its schools provide and coordinate learning support services to meet the unique learning needs of students.
Standard 3 Overview 3.1 The system provides equitable and challenging learning experiences. Lesson plans aligned to current Alabama’s CCRS Challenging, research-based instructional techniques 3.2 Curriculum, instruction, and assessment are monitored and adjusted in response to data. System pacing guides and curriculum maps Variety of common assessments Summative and formative Local, state, national levels
Standard 3 Overview 3.3 Teachers engage students through instructional strategies that ensure achievement. Teacher and student use of technology SMART boards, LCD projectors, Chrome books, iPads, iPod Touch, Kindle Fire tablets, desktop computers, laptop computers, computer labs Alabama Reading Initiative (ARI) Alabama Math, Science, Technology Initiative (AMSTI) UA/UWA Inservice Center Partnership
Standard 3 Overview 3.4 Leaders monitor and support the improvement of instructional practices. Fayette County Schools Administrative PLU (Professional Learning Unit) EDUCATE Alabama/LEAD Alabama Administrator walk-through tools aligned to specific instructional strategies and/or practices 3.5 The system operates as a collaborative learning organization. Agendas, minutes, calendars of learning community meetings Leaders of Learning: How District, School, and Classroom Leaders Improve Student Achievement
Standard 3 Overview 3.4 Leaders monitor and support the improvement of instructional practices. Fayette County Schools Administrative PLU (Professional Learning Unit) EDUCATE Alabama/LEAD Alabama Administrator walk-through tools aligned to specific instructional strategies and/or practices 3.5 The system operates as a collaborative learning organization. Agendas, minutes, calendars of learning community meetings Leaders of Learning: How District, School, and Classroom Leaders Improve Student Achievement
Standard 3 Overview 3.6 Teachers implement system’s instructional process in support of student learning. Learning expectations and posted objectives Benchmark assessments Rubrics/exemplars to inform student learning 3.7 Mentoring, coaching and induction programs support instructional improvement. Instructional coaches serve K-12 teachers in all content areas. New Personnel Training Fayette County New Personnel Handbook
Standard 3 Overview 3.8 The system engages families in meaningful ways and keeps them informed of child’s progress. Parental involvement plans Volunteer programs STI’s InformationNow Portal Parent involvement nights Parent conferences 3.9 The system designs and evaluates structures in all schools whereby each student is well known by at least one adult advocate. Berry High’s Student Advocacy Program Fayette County High’s FOCUS Program High Hopes Mentors
Standard 3 Overview 3.10 Grading and reporting are based on clearly defined criteria and are consistent across grade levels and courses. Fayette County Schools’ Board Policy on Grading and Reporting Standards-based Kindergarten Report Card 3.11 All staff members participate in a continuous program of professional learning. System Professional Development Plan CCRS Professional Development/Transition Plan Targeted K-12 mathematics professional development Local administrator training aligned with Alabama’s PLAN 2020 The Leader in Me Continued training in strategic teaching (ARI) iPad Professional Learning Group Support Personnel Professional Development
Standard 3 Overview 3.12 The system and its schools provide and coordinate learning support services to meet the unique needs of students. Service for Students with Special Needs Services for English Language Learners RTI (Response-to-Instruction) Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Services
Standard 4: Resources & Support Systems
Overall Rating: 3.0 The system has resources and provides services in all schools that support its purpose and direction to ensure success for all students.
Standard 4 X INDICATORS: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 4.1
The system engages in a systematic process to recruit, employ, and retain a sufficient number of qualified professional and support staff to fulfill their roles and responsibilities and support the purpose and direction of the system, individual schools, and educational programs. X 4.2 Instructional time, material resources, and fiscal resources are sufficient to support the purpose and direction of the system, individual schools, educational programs, and system operations. 4.3 The system maintains facilities, services, and equipment to provide a safe, clean, and healthy environment for all students and staff 4.4 The system demonstrates strategic resource management that includes long-range planning in support of the purpose and direction of the system. 4.5 The system provides, coordinates, and evaluates the effectiveness of information resources and related personnel to support educational programs throughout the system. 4.6 The system provides a technology infrastructure and equipment to support the system's teaching, learning, and operational needs. 4.7 The system provides, coordinates, and evaluates the effectiveness of support systems to meet the physical, social, and emotional needs of the student population being served. 4.8 The system provides, coordinates, and evaluates the effectiveness of services that support the counseling, assessment, referral, educational, and career planning needs of all students.
Standard 4 Overview 4.1 Systematic process to recruit, employ and retain staff 100% of faculty and staff are “Highly Qualified” Teach in Alabama Website Training for Administrators Teacher Recruitment – Interviews at local Universities 4.2 Instructional time, material resources and fiscal resources support purpose and direction System Strategic Plan School Calendars Teacher Schedules – LEAPS Media Specialist serves as Technology Leaders
Standard 4 Overview 4.3 The System Provides a safe, clean and healthy environment Virtual Alabama Platform / Safety Plans School Safety Committees and Responsibilities Maintenance Spreadsheet that track improvements 4.4 Demonstrates strategic resource management Strategic Plan Alabama Continuous Improvement Plans (ACIP) 4.5 Provides, coordinates, and evaluates the effectiveness of information resources Library Media Policy / Procedures Manual Flexible Schedule for Media Specialist Atrium Software State Department Desktop Audit (No Citations) Integration of Collaboration Document
Standard 4 Overview 4.6 The system provides a technology infrastructure and equipment to support the system's teaching, learning, and operational needs. Technology infrastructure Transform 2020 Plan Fiber optic backbone interconnection between all school sites Wireless Access in all Schools 112 mbps of available bandwidth STI’s InformationNow Portal Global Scholar Performance Series & Achievement Series Graduation Tracking System Policies relative to technology use at the system Acceptable Use Policy Kindle Fire Policy (Berry High School) Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy (Fayette County High School, Fayette Middle School, and Hubbertville)
Standard 4 Overview 4.7 Provides, coordinates, and evaluates the effectiveness of support systems to meet the physical, social, and emotional needs of the student population being served Individualized Education Plan for Students with Disabilities Gifted Plan ESL Plan Anti-Harassment Policy Report Bullying Logo on School Websites Counseling and Guidance Plan Financial Aid Nights at the High Schools Auburn University Extension Service FAWN, PROSPER, 4-H
Standard 4 Overview 4.8 Provides, coordinates, and evaluates the effectiveness of services that support the counseling, assessment, referral, educational, and career planning needs of all students. LEA Response-to-Instruction Plan (RTI) Individualized Education Plan for Students with Disabilities Gifted Plan Character Education Health Services ESL Plan LEA Credit Recovery Plan Career Preparedness Course (KUDER) Career Technical Education Programs College Admissions Made Possible Partnership (CAMP) Bevill State Community College Partnership (Upward Bound, Educational Talent Search, Upward Bound Math & Science, TORCH Competition)
Standard 5: Using Results for Continuous Improvement
Overall Rating: 2.8 The system implements a comprehensive assessment system that generates a range of data about student learning and system effectiveness and uses the results to guide continuous improvement.
Standard 5 Indicators Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 5.1 The system establishes and maintains a clearly defined and comprehensive student assessment system. X 5.2 Professional and support staff continuously collect, analyze and apply learning from a range of data sources, including comparison and trend data about student learning, instruction, program evaluation, and organizational conditions that support learning. 5.3 Throughout the system professional and support staff are trained in the interpretation and use of data 5.4 The school system engages in a continuous process to determine verifiable improvement in student learning, including readiness for and success at the next level. 5.5 System and school leaders monitor and communicate comprehensive information about student learning, school performance, and the achievement of system and school improvement goals to stakeholders.
Standard 5 Overview 5.1 The system establishes and maintains a clearly defined and comprehensive student assessment system. All students participate in the state mandated assessment program DIBELS/Programmatic Assessments – Grades K-2 Global Scholar Performance Series – Grades 3-8 Global Scholar Achievement Series – Grades 9-12 Assessments 3 times annually Students with severe cognitive delays participate in the Alabama Alternate Assessment 5.2 Professional and support staff continuously collect, analyze and apply learning from a range of data sources Central office personnel review scores, trend data, comparisons to similar systems, and disaggregated data. School Leadership Teams review school data
Standard 5 Overview 5.3 Throughout the system professional and support staff are trained in the interpretation and use of data Year of transition—new assessments in grades 3-8, new end of course assessments for various high school courses, all 11th graders will take ACT Plus Writing Professional Development has been provided for Global Scholar Professional Development will be offered regarding new assessments as information is made available
Standard 5 Overview 5.4 The school system engages in a continuous process to determine verifiable improvement in student learning, including readiness for and success at the next level. ACIPs developed for all schools Benchmark Testing ACT Quality Core End of Course Assessments for selected High School core subjects Midterm & Final exams in grades 7-12 in all other subjects Regular data meetings Response-to-Instruction Intervention classes
Standard 5 Overview Report of assessment results to board
5.5 System and school leaders monitor and communicate comprehensive information about student learning, school performance, and the achievement of system and school improvement goals to stakeholders Report of assessment results to board Parent Conferences School Marquees Newspaper articles Posting Honor Rolls Parent/Community Meeting
“Every Student a Graduate – Every Graduate Prepared”
Even in the face of limited financial resources, Fayette County School System’s motto remains in the forefront: “Every Student a Graduate – Every Graduate Prepared”
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