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The Great Experience! Anticipation & Atmosphere Word &Worship Food & Fellowship.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great Experience! Anticipation & Atmosphere Word &Worship Food & Fellowship."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Great Experience! Anticipation & Atmosphere Word &Worship Food & Fellowship

3 Anticipation An emotion involving pleasure, excitement and sometimes anxiety in considering some expected or longed-for good event. - Wikipedia Creating excitement & raising expectation If you are not anticipating, it may be because you dont expect anything to come out of it!

4 Anticipation People who do not expect anything to happen will not be disappointed! – Unknown Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us… – Ephesians 3:20 Anticipation is not just in the practical but also in the spiritual!

5 Anticipation Pre-Event Advertising & Publicity Creating anticipation Hype, Buzz, Making a mountain out of a molehill Publicity for your event and also serves as a reminder Helps Hommies to invite new friends Contains summary details that are helpful Date / Time/ Venue / Theme Helps confirm number of attendees

6 Anticipation Pre-Event Advertising & Publicity Facebook Shoutouts / Invites Weekly themes E-Flyers Invitation Cards Twitter

7 Use social media to publicise & create excitement with a theme!

8 Actual samples of e-flyers created by Homes






14 Atmosphere Not just the physical atmosphere but also the spiritual atmosphere. You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:13-14

15 Atmosphere We are called to change our environment, not be changed by them. Spiritual atmosphere DNA of the house Warmth of the people Ice-breaker tips Exercising care for the people

16 Atmosphere Physical atmosphere Making the best of what you have in the place that you meet Includes: Cleanliness, Visual, Audio, Smell, Lights, etc Practical Tips - Making it work!

17 Atmosphere Other things you should consider (things that will take off the charts): Parking Guide Clear Map Childrens Program Timing Ventilation &/ Airconditioning Newcomers



20 The Great Actsperience! Worship: Actsperience God Word: Actsperience Change

21 Not just conveying information but communicating with conviction for impact. So people can discuss and understand in order to live it out (apply). Actsperience real discipleship!

22 Word Prepare, prepare, prepare! Generate enthusiasm by using humour and energy. Use appropriate gestures and body language that draw others in to listen and share openly.

23 Word Use learning aids eg. props to bring across point. Share stories and specific examples to illustrate. Seek out and use others stories as well.

24 Word Maintain eye contact with all. Make sure your physical location is visible to all - clear line-of-sight. Dress appropriately.

25 Word Speak clearly and confidently. Speak at acceptable pace, and pause when necessary. Ask Homies if they have any questions, and summarize key take-aways.

26 Worship: Actsperience God Not just a sing-along but offering worship to the Most High God. Sets the tone and atmosphere for the rest of the Homes experience. Actsperience Gods presence and His supernatural touch!

27 Worship Essentials: - Worship Leader - Musician (guitarist, pianist/keyboardist) - Songs (2 songs) - Lyrics – laptop, mahjong paper, LCD projector or print.

28 Worship Choose a comfortable key. Guys and girls have different range, find a middle ground. Choose songs which are current (sang at services). Dont just close your eyes – engage the congregation. It is not personal worship. Good to start with praise & end in praise too – engage the Homies, uplifting.

29 Worship Be Positive. Dont go with its been a long week, life is boring and mundane… God is good. Amen? Practice with musician before actual worship. Song signals – chorus, verse, bridge, repeat, free- worship. - How to signal with your hands (so they can also communicate with the guitarist and worship leader effectively).

30 The Great Actsperience! Food & Fellowship: Actsperience Warmth

31 1 Kings 10:4-5 When the queen of Sheba experienced for herself how very wise Solomon was, and when she saw the palace he had built, 5 she was overwhelmed. She was also amazed at the food on his tables, the organization of his officials and their splendid clothing, the cup-bearers, and the burnt offerings Solomon made at the Temple of the Lord.

32 Food - Planning Food must be part of your Homes Privilege Roster Assign a food team Have a checklist Use RSVP to have a good estimate of how much to prepare Remember to include enough portions for friends/newcomers invited Have a realistic budget and work out your Homes fund Remember to include cost of disposable cutlery, etc. Most of all, have a generous spirit to bless others!

33 Food - What to prepare? Dessert + Drinks Starter / Sides Mains

34 Food – How much to prepare? Common foodTo feed…Cost Fried Rice/Hokkien Mee/ Mi Hun 2 pax/servingRM5 Nasi LemakPer paxRM1.50-RM6 Burgers/Hotdogs1 per personRM2-RM5 Pasta1 packet (500g) serves 8RM5

35 Demo 1- Western (for 20pax) ItemCost Main Meal Chicken (6 birds) Macaroni and cheese RM 60 Rm 15 Snacks/Sides Mashed potato Gravy Coleslaw Pork balls Rm 15 Drinks SirapRm 10 Dessert CakeRm 10 Cutleries Fork+spoons Cups Plates Rm 10 TOTALRM165 Rm8/Homie

36 ItemCost/homie Main Meal Nasi lemak Dishes RM 6 Snacks/Sides Keropok lekorRm 1 Drinks SirapRm 1 Dessert CakeRm 1 Cutleries Fork+spoons Cups Plates Rm 1 TOTALRM10/Homie Demo 2-Balik Kampung (30 pax)

37 The Great Actsperience! Food & Fellowship: Actsperience Warmth

38 Fellowship Definition (according to 1. the condition or relation of being a fellow: the fellowship of humankind. 2. friendly relationship; companionship: the fellowship of father and son. 3. community of interest, feeling, etc.

39 Acts 2:42, 47 42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers…. 47 And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.

40 Fellowship Definition (according to the Word of God): (koinonia) G2842 1. Partnership 2. Participation i.e. getting involved 3. (Social) intercourse 4. Benefaction

41 Great Fellowship!


43 Fellowship So what does it mean? Acts is a church of every partner Ownership eg. G10s doing follow-up Involvement i.e. No spectators Intentional investment For a purpose and a mission

44 Purpose: Roadmap of a Disciple Visitor Regular PartnerLeader G10Partnership L10 Home Leader Hangout Leader Huddle Leader Harvest House HomesHuddle ConnectedCommittedCommissioned Milk, Member Care, MeatMentoring to MaturityMobilized for Missions & Multiplication Lifestyle of Discipleship & Evangelism New Believer Follow- Up

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