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6th Grade Greek and Latin Roots

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Presentation on theme: "6th Grade Greek and Latin Roots"— Presentation transcript:

1 6th Grade Greek and Latin Roots
5 per week for 20 weeks (given on Monday) Interdisciplinary (history, math, science) Test every 4th Friday Root and vocabulary card ring Practice during the week and turn in cards for check-up

2 Greek and latin roots Week 1

3 -(o)logy study, science of

4 andro, anthro male, mankind

5 dem, pop people

6 polis, polit, cit, civ, urb, metro
city, government

7 mono, uni one

8 Greek and latin roots Week 2

9 bi, di, du two

10 geo, terr earth, land

11 pre, fore, ante before, in front

12 hom same, equal

13 ped, pod foot

14 Greek and latin roots Week 3

15 neo, nov new

16 paleo old, ancient

17 tri three

18 crat, cracy, arch power, rule, ruler

19 aqua, hydr water

20 Greek and latin roots Week 4

21 tetra, quad, quar four

22 chron, temp time

23 the, theo religion

24 gen birth, origin

25 poly, multi many

26 Greek and latin roots Week 5

27 penta, quint five

28 hemi, semi half, part

29 matri, mater mother

30 meso, medi, mid, cent middle, center

31 graph, gram, scrib, script
to write

32 Greek and latin roots Week 6

33 prim, proto first

34 fin end

35 phil to love, lover of

36 helios, sol sun

37 biblio, libr book

38 Greek and latin roots Week 7

39 patr, pater father

40 act to do, driven to do

41 bene, bon good, well

42 dec ten

43 mal, dys bad

44 Greek and latin roots Week 8

45 tech art, craft, skill

46 sol alone

47 hecto, cent hundred

48 inter between, among

49 ped child

50 Greek and latin roots Week 9

51 dict, log, voc speak, speech, voice

52 equa, equi equal, even

53 co, com, con, syn, sym with, together

54 mega, maxi, macro, magni big, great

55 quer, ques, quir, quis to question, to seek

56 Greek and latin roots Week 10

57 hyper, super, sur over, above, beyond

58 cide, cise, mort kill, death

59 im, in, il, ir not, without

60 tele from afar

61 kilo, mil thousand

62 Greek and latin roots Week 11

63 liber free

64 meter to measure

65 ex, dis, diff, de, non, un away, out, different, not

66 sci, cogn to know

67 auto self

68 Greek and latin roots Week 12

69 bio, vit, viv life

70 chrom color

71 phobia fear of

72 port carry

73 dia through, across

74 Greek and latin roots Week 13

75 -ium chemical element

76 astr, aster, stell star

77 anti, contra, counter against, opposite

78 photo, luc, lum light

79 re, retro back, backward, again

80 Greek and latin roots Week 14

81 hypo, sub under, below, beneath

82 corp, phys body, nature, medicine

83 derm(a) skin

84 juv young

85 manu hand

86 Greek and latin roots Week 15

87 intra, intro inward, within

88 jur, jus, leg law

89 cycl, circ, orb, sphere round, circle

90 psych(o) mind, spirit, soul

91 vis, vid, spec, scope see, look, observe

92 Greek and latin roots Week 16

93 phon(o), aud sound, hear

94 post after, behind

95 vert, rota to turn

96 jet, ject to throw

97 mech machine

98 Greek and latin roots Week 17

99 serv save, serve, protect

100 -sion, -tion state or quality of being

101 cephal, cap head, brain

102 doc, doct teach

103 morph, alter change

104 Greek and latin roots Week 18

105 mob, mot, mov to move

106 extra, exter outside, excessive

107 im, in, en, em in, into, cause of

108 frac, frag, rupt to break

109 trans across, over

110 Greek and latin roots Week 19

111 micro, min small, little

112 miss, mitt, mit to send

113 therm, ignis, pyro heat, fire

114 stru, struct build

115 use, uti to use

116 Greek and latin roots Week 20

117 noct night

118 dorm, hypn sleep

119 oper work

120 tox poison

121 mem to remember

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