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Introduction to Econometrics

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1 Introduction to Econometrics
The Statistical Analysis of Economic (and related) Data

2 Brief Overview of the Course

3 This course is about using data to measure causal effects.

4 In this course you will:

5 Review of Probability and Statistics (SW Chapters 2, 3)

6 The California Test Score Data Set

7 Initial look at the data: (You should already know how to interpret this table)
This table doesn’t tell us anything about the relationship between test scores and the STR.

8 Do districts with smaller classes have higher test scores
Do districts with smaller classes have higher test scores? Scatterplot of test score v. student-teacher ratio What does this figure show?

9 We need to get some numerical evidence on whether districts with low STRs have higher test scores – but how?

10 Standard deviation (sBYB)
Initial data analysis: Compare districts with “small” (STR < 20) and “large” (STR ≥ 20) class sizes: Class Size Average score ( ) Standard deviation (sBYB) n Small 657.4 19.4 238 Large 650.0 17.9 182 1. Estimation of  = difference between group means 2. Test the hypothesis that  = 0 3. Construct a confidence interval for 

11 1. Estimation

12 2. Hypothesis testing

13 Compute the difference-of-means t-statistic:

14 3. Confidence interval

15 What comes next…

16 Review of Statistical Theory

17 (a) Population, random variable, and distribution

18 Population distribution of Y

19 (b) Moments of a population distribution: mean, variance, standard deviation, covariance, correlation

20 Moments, ctd.


22 2 random variables: joint distributions and covariance

23 The covariance between Test Score and STR is negative:
so is the correlation…

24 The correlation coefficient is defined in terms of the covariance:

25 The correlation coefficient measures linear association

26 (c) Conditional distributions and conditional means

27 Conditional mean, ctd.

28 (d) Distribution of a sample of data drawn randomly from a population: Y1,…, Yn

29 Distribution of Y1,…, Yn under simple random sampling


31 (a) The sampling distribution of

32 The sampling distribution of , ctd.

33 The sampling distribution of when Y is Bernoulli (p = .78):

34 Things we want to know about the sampling distribution:

35 The mean and variance of the sampling distribution of


37 Mean and variance of sampling distribution of , ctd.

38 The sampling distribution of when n is large

39 The Law of Large Numbers:

40 The Central Limit Theorem (CLT):

41 Sampling distribution of when Y is Bernoulli, p = 0.78:

42 Same example: sampling distribution of :

43 Summary: The Sampling Distribution of

44 (b) Why Use To Estimate Y?

45 Why Use To Estimate Y?, ctd.



48 Calculating the p-value, ctd.

49 Calculating the p-value with Y known:

50 Estimator of the variance of Y:

51 Computing the p-value with estimated:

52 What is the link between the p-value and the significance level?

53 At this point, you might be wondering,...

54 Comments on this recipe and the Student t-distribution

55 Comments on Student t distribution, ctd.

56 Comments on Student t distribution, ctd.


58 Comments on Student t distribution, ctd.

59 The Student-t distribution – summary


61 Confidence intervals, ctd.

62 Summary:

63 Let’s go back to the original policy question:

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