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Post-WWII Europe.

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1 Post-WWII Europe

2 Introduction of Two New Superpowers
United States Soviet Union Political System and Rights Democracy – the people have rights – Constitution Communism – totalitarian government with no individual rights Economic System Mixed Economy – free markets Command Economy – the gov’t controls all of the economy and makes all decisions Alliance – Empire NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Warsaw Pact Goals Contain communism – US was interested in promoting the economic recovery and growth of western Europe Soviet Union was interested in protecting itself and spreading communism Confrontation – Berlin Berlin Airlift Berlin Blockade

3 Potsdam Conference July 16-August 2, 1945
United States, Britain, and Soviet Union Stalin ignored previous agreements and worked to establish communist dictatorships throughout Eastern Europe

4 Occupation Zones “Iron Curtain” coined by Churchill
A symbolic division of Europe into two separate areas “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an ‘iron curtain’ has descended across the Continent” Germany was split into Western and Eastern Germany (Soviet Union controlled the eastern half and western powers controlled the western half) The city of Berlin was also split into occupation zones


6 City of Berlin

7 Containment US policy developed by George Kennan, a US diplomat
Keep communism within its pre-existing boundaries Prevent further Soviet aggressive moves

8 Berlin Airlift The Soviets created a blockade of West Berlin, which prevented western Europe from getting supplies into the city 1948  American and British forces flew in food and other supplies to West Berlin May 1949  Soviets lift the Berlin blockade after the success of western powers getting supplies into the city

9 Warsaw Pact 1955  Soviet military alliance including the Soviet Union, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania Soviet reply to the formation of NATO involving western Europe and the United States

10 Brinkmanship Willingness to go to the very edge of war in order to achieve a desired outcome Example: Cuban Missile Crisis

11 U-2 Incident May 1, 1960 Soviet pilot shot down a US spy plane, known as a U-2, over Soviet territory US initially denied any spy activity, but was later forced to admit the plane’s role in covert surveillance

12 Arms Race Soviets and Americans race to create the most up to date weapons Nuclear weapons became more destructive as each nation raced to build deadlier bombs Both sides believed that an arsenal of weapons would actually prevent war

13 Space Race Americans and Soviets race to be the first to reach the next advancement in aerospace achievements September 1957 Sputnik I, first satellite launched into space 1960  the United States launched its own satellite


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