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Retrieval practice Quiz - theories of LTM.

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1 Retrieval practice Quiz - theories of LTM

2 Theories of LTM Main claim: that there are qualitatively different types of LTM which represent separate LTM subsystems. Difficulty: In an experiment, we expose PPs to a set of stimuli. This creates: Semantic memory of the content of the stimulus; Episodic memory of the circumstances of exposure. (Compare - what you stored from last lesson) Recall can be of 1, 2 or an ‘educated guess’ Practically impossible to separate the semantic & episodic memory, so can’t show experimentally that S and E memories are different.

3 Theories of LTM Most evidence comes from clinical case studies.
We look for dissociations between E, S and P memories. i.e. does anything affect one but not the others? Dissociations imply existence of separate LTM subsystems. BUT Need to be cautious when relying on clinical case studies

4 Studies relating to theories of LTM
Milner et al (1968) Ostergaard (1987) Shallice & Warrington (1974) Tulving (2002) Varga-Khadem et al (1997) NB. One of these studies does not belong!

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