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Examples and tips for your presentation

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Presentation on theme: "Examples and tips for your presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Examples and tips for your presentation
Unit name (Insert>Header and Footer) 06/12/2018 UCPH PowerPoint template Examples and tips for your presentation Name of speaker UCPH unit Event and date

2 first theme second theme third theme …
Unit name (Insert>Header and Footer) 06/12/2018 first theme second theme third theme

3 Unit name (Insert>Header and Footer)
06/12/2018 Standard slide Only first word of slide title has initial capital letter (except proper nouns) Don’t reduce this standard text size Second level bullet point Third level bullet point No punctuation usually needed in bullet points No more than six points per slide

4 Slide with two columns of text
Unit name (Insert>Header and Footer) 06/12/2018 Slide with two columns of text Only first word of slide title has initial capital letter (except proper nouns) Don’t reduce this standard text size Second level bullet point Third level bullet point No punctuation usually needed in bullet points Only first word of slide title has initial capital letter (except proper nouns) Don’t reduce this standard text size Second level bullet point Third level bullet point No punctuation usually needed in bullet points

5 Slide with text and picture
Unit name (Insert>Header and Footer) 06/12/2018 Slide with text and picture When inserted, your picture will automatically be centered in the picture holder You can reposition the picture within the picture holder by using the crop tool (right click on the picture)

6 Slide with large picture
Unit name (Insert>Header and Footer) 06/12/2018 Slide with large picture

7 Slide with text and graph
Unit name (Insert>Header and Footer) 06/12/2018 Slide with text and graph Graph is generated from a datasheet Right click on graph to edit graph data or change graph type Left click twice on a section of the graph, then right click to customize the section colour

8 Unit name (Insert>Header and Footer)
06/12/2018 Section divider

9 Label with space for short text
Unit name (Insert>Header and Footer) 06/12/2018 Label with space for short text

10 Label with space for bullet points Example with bullet points
Unit name (Insert>Header and Footer) 06/12/2018 Label with space for bullet points Example with bullet points No punctuation usually needed in bullet points Third bullet point Second level bullet point Third level bullet point

11 Prediction is very difficult, especially if it´s about the future.
Unit name (Insert>Header and Footer) 06/12/2018 Prediction is very difficult, especially if it´s about the future. Niels Bohr

12 Forsknings- formidling
Unit name (Insert>Header and Footer) 06/12/2018 Research Education Exchange of knowledge Forskning Uddannelse Forsknings- formidling

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