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September 6th, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "September 6th, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 6th, 2013

2 Advanced Physics Starter: Remediation/enrichment
green – convert L to nL Blue – (w/o calculator!) 3.4 x x 107 Yellow – convert 35 m/s to km/h Remediation/enrichment Remediation 1: metric conversions (green) Remediation 2: scientific notation calculations (blue) Remediation 3: m/s to km/h conversions (yellow) “Top Ten Reasons to Take Physics” – read and begin work on visual

3 2nd Period Chemistry Starter: get out calculator (non-graphing only!)
Learning check Skill practice: calculating density (1-6 practice problems (24-28) Lab Safety rules discussion

4 Astronomy Starter: get out SW/APOD sheet; pass back learning target sheet SW/APOD Continue new unit: Charting the Heavens

5 Conceptual Physics Starter: turn in hmwk we graded yesterday; get out pencil (scantron) Exam: good luck!

6 AP Chemistry Daily Weekly Starter: get out lab sheet
Lab: Growing Crystals in Gels – Day 3 Continue new unit: Thermodynamics – lecture 15 Chem days: T, Th “Bio/Other” days: W, F

7 7th Period Chemistry Starter: get out calculator (non-graphing only!)
Learning check Skill practice: calculating density (1-6 practice problems (24-28) Lab Safety rules discussion

8 8th Period – Math RTI Welcome! Seating chart
Sample problems and discussion Learning check reflection

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